Same sex marriage has NEVER existed. Therefore it should never exist. There is nothing new under the sun. The same old sins that ever existed, still pervade culture today.
Now this generation wants to embed the sin even deeper into culture by making a childish plea for marriage. It's like little kids playing house. Silly.
Now this generation wants to embed the sin even deeper into culture by making a childish plea for medicine. It's like little kids playing doctor. Silly.
"Same sex marriage has NEVER existed. Therefore it should never exist."
[Freedom/ racial equality/ women's rights/ economic fairness/ utopian socieites] have NEVER existed. Therefore, they should never exist.
Or, shorter version: LOSE.
I've got zero doubt that Floating Axe would be saying the same thing about interracial marriage, had he been alive 100 years ago.
To quote an old Bon Jovi lyric: "The song's the same; only the names have changed."
Clothes never existed so we should all be naked. Houses never existed so we should all live in holes. Laws never existed we should have anarchy. Cars never existed, we should all walk. You normal people get the idea, Flouting Axe may eventually.
Same sex marriage has NEVER existed.
Actually, it has. Catholicism, at one point, had a rite to unite two men, similar to a marriage.
"Meh, not really fundie. There are non-fundie people that believe this, too."
I've yet to see one that wasn't time kind of fundie, racist+bigot and intellectual cesspool.
(Floating Axe's great grandfather, Kitty Hawk, NC, 1903)
"Powered Flight for humans has NEVER existed. Therefore it should never exist."
Just like the airplane, the concept of marriage is man-made.
Why do fundies insist on believing that everything that will ever exist already exists; that everything that will ever be known is already known? They cannot concieve of change even though change is around them all the time.
At various points in history the following never existed either:
The sun
The Earth
The U.S.
Civil liberty and equal rights
And, creme de la creme for this discussion:
Monogamous marriage and Romantic marriage
Yeah, same-sex marriage has existed since at least Roman times, 2000 years ago.
The Emperor Nero was married to one of his lovers. Nero was dressed as a woman and was the passive partner.
It was around in the Renaissence (sp) when a man witnessed a same-sex marriage ceremony in Rome. Perhaps you know where Rome was in that time, the capital of the Papal States?
Same sex marriage has NEVER existed
Native Americans allowed it.
Therefore it should never exist
Just because it "didn't exist" means it should never exist? Well, let's forget the cure for cancer, then!
is nothing new under the sun. The same old sins that ever existed, still pervade culture today.
Blah blah blah.
Now this generation wants to embed the sin even deeper into culture by making a childish plea for marriage. It's like little kids playing house. Silly
Grow up.
Same sex marriage has NEVER existed.
I'm pretty sure Sparta either had gay marriage or was tolerant of gays. Also? Canada.
Therefore it should never exist.
Hey, let's apply this logic to abolishment of slavery!
There is nothing new under the sun.
Well, you know, except the Internet you used to say that comment.
It's like little kids playing house.
"Oh, how cute, they think they're grown-up people!"
Fuck you.
Marriage hasn't always existed.
Same-sex couplings have ALWAYS existed, therefore they should ALWAYS exist. There are new stuff emerging every day under the sun.
This generation? Which one is that? There are same-sex couples of all ages who want to legalize their relationship.
Little kids playing house don't need marriages. Grown-ups actually living in a house together DO need marriages, as they carry with them legal protection and inheritance laws. Not the least bit silly, stupid.
AI dishwashers have NEVER existed. Therefore they should never exist. There is nothing new under the sun. The same old dumb ideas that ever existed, still pervade culture today.
Now this generation wants to embed the dumb idea even deeper into culture by making a childish plea for technology. It's like little kids playing house. Silly.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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