knowledgeispower88 #fundie
Trump was chosen by God and can be proved.
Use Calculator to confirm dates for proof.
Date Calculator:
Donald Trump D.O.B: 14/06/1946 Donald Trump First Day of Presidency: 21/01/2017 Day Israel became a Nation: 14/05/1948 Donald Trump electors who voted for him: 304 (with 2 defectors) Hillary Clinton electors who votes for her: 227 (with 5 defectors)
1. Donald Trump was born 700 days before Israel was a nation again
2. Which would mean when Israel was 77 days old, Trump would have been 777 days old.
3. Which would also mean Israel’s 70th Birthday will come 700 days after Trumps 70th Birthday.
4. Trump won by 304 electors, Hillary lost with 227 electors. 304 – 227 = 77
5. Also 3+0+4 = 7
6. Trump was 70 Years, 7 Months, and 7 days old on his first day of presidency.
7. Trump became president in the Hebrew year of 5777.
Number 6, 1, 2 & 3 are the most significant.
If Trump was born 1 day earlier or later, or Israel became a nation again 1 day earlier or later, then these numbers wouldn't match.
Only an all mighty God could have made Trump be born 700 days before Israel was a nation again, & make Israel a nation again on that specific date, make and know the 45th Presidency would be on that specific date (21/01/2017), & that Trump would be exactly 70 years old, 7 months old, and 7 days old on his first day of presidency. These are facts, these dates happened and can be calculated by you.