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Donald Trump is right - We are at war with Islam

God warned on March 25th, 2015 - 5:16am that not only is America at war with Islam; but also with Aliens. (Demons)


Dream: At war with Aliens; At war with Islam

I dreamed I was up on a hill, looking down. I was talking to a woman with a baby in a stroller. All of a sudden, she asks: "Who are those guys? Looks like very tall "Mormons." I looked down and there were ships; hovering above the earth; they were shooting buildings and blowing them up. There were tall Soldiers in space suits; shooting people. Then, our AIR FORCE is there and there is a massive dog fight in the sky. A little stand alone computer; and all in one typed computer flies in a ship up into space. There is a large space ship. It has a large square entrance in the bottom of the ship. It flies in and then, it's looking around. It's kind of like a robot. A hand plugs it into the ships computer system and it scans all. I saw it's little face become downcast, when it learns the truth about the plans of the Aliens.

The ship looked like this:

IMAGE ( [link to dreamsofluke.bravehost.com] )

Then, the scene changes. I'm talking to a three star Army General. We're talking about how hard it is to get rank. I learn, through him that a 3 man group of soldiers goes behind the lines, into Iran. I then am talking to a Presidential Official and I say to her: "Why don't you tell the truth? We're not against Iran or any Country. We're at war with Islam."

I then woke up.

March 25th, 2015 - 5:16am

- See more at: [link to dreamsofluke.bravehost.com]

You guys can one star this thread all you want, but JEHOVAH is trying to tell you something.

Wake up!

But America is too stupid to wake up.

It spits in God's face.
Casts His law behind its back.
Let's His word drop to the ground.

Yet, He still has a stretched out arm.

But one day His mercy will be at an end.

And then where will you be?

One star? You should give me a medal for caring.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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