Ancient Aliens' last night episode: "Pharaohs were mummified in order to come back to life through CLONING."
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This is what I always thought about ancient Egyptian mummification. There's no other logical explanation to justify the procedure: The Egyptian royalty SAW the Anunnaki doing body-jumping, cheating death through cloning over and over and they expected to undergo the same procedure after they died.
"This is what I always thought about ancient Egyptian mummification. There's no other logical explanation to justify the procedure:"
How about superstitious primitives believed things that aren't true.
You do realize that, if we clone mummies, all that will happen is a baby with the genetic disorders of the Pharohs and an empty brain. The baby could be raised to adulthood any way you want, but you won't get Ramases II.
Read Boys From Brazil if you want know how it all works.
"This is what I always thought about ancient Egyptian mummification. "
So anything people think is automatically true?
Well, I thnk you're a fucking idiot. There's no other logical explanation.
Or, you know, you could read some legitimate histories of ancient Egypt instead. but that involves thinking, which I heard is hard for beginners....
Maybe that is not a consequence of the "end times" but simply society becoming more accepting of other religions and traditions.
Occam's razor: when in doubt, razor it out!
@ RepentNow
1) Such calls have been common since the World Parliament of Religions of 1893. As for Popes making such statements, both John Paul II and Benedict XVI have said precisely the same thing. So your "proof" that we are "in the end times" show that the end times are no nearer than they were 30 years ago.
2) In that clip, Obama said "The Star of David and the Stars and Stripes fly together today. And that is why I am confident in declaring that our alliance is eternal, it is forever." Where in that did Obama promise Israel or anybody in the Middle East "eternal peace"? An alliance doesn't promise - the alliance between the US and the UK, for example, has been through two world wars, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan and 50 years of Cold War. So what you told us was a good, old fashioned lie. Way to go, sinner.
3) Such scanners are already in use in companies all over the world for all kinds of uses. There is nothing new in this, except that it's to do with a fundie shibboleth, public schools.
But there again, as the video makes clear, conspiracy-loaded fundamentalism cannot abide people making peace and learning, both of which the Bible consistently praises. Fundamentalism prefers ignorance over learning and death over peace. It is you who should repent.
Ancient astronaught believers are nutters.
This is what I always thought about ancient astronaught believers, there is no other logical explanation for this procedure.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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