Karma is not ridiculous! its perfectly understandable.. Do not mock my beiliefs. If you get murderd means u deserve it.. u could of been a saint and got murderd. It could of been somethin u did in another life as a human being, who knows.. But if u get killed then u would have deserved it.. Karma, very understandable and true. If kids died in a car crash means its there Karma, they must have done somethin bad in a life before this one.
So are we paying for something in a past life since we are having to deal with your double periods and one-letter words? How is Karma going to punish you for your grammer, is a typewriter going to fall from the sky and crush your thick skull? Wake up hippie, was Pol Pot punished for every one of the millions he was responsible for killing? Was Idi Amin? Did the six year old girl from my hometown deserve the two years of severe Luekemia treatment before dying, bald and frail? Get your head out of your ass already, you don't know jack shit.
So all of the people who die every day DESERVE it, because of something they did in a past life?!? What the fuck is wrong with you? Go fuck a thermite grenade, you worthless sack of shit. You make me sick.
Well, I guess we can just dismantle the entire justice system, then. If you get murdered, raped, swindled, burglarized, whatever -- you had it coming. No point in punishing those who commit these crimes; their karma will punish them in the next life -- by having someone else ruin their own karma in the process. What a lovely downward spiral of karmic corruption!
~David D.G.
dude, look up what Karma really is, learn something, then come back to us. Is this Word Redefinition worthy? Oh, I think so.
"Karma is not ridiculous!"
Karma IS ridiculous."
"its perfectly understandable.."
Just because we understand it doesn't mean that it is not utter twaddle.
"Do not mock my beiliefs."
Don't believe in such ridiculous things. Mock, mock, mock.
"If you get murderd means u deserve it.. u could of been a saint and got murderd. It could of been somethin u did in another life as a human being, who knows.. But if u get killed then u would have deserved it.."
Reasonable people don't believe in reincarnation.
"Karma, very understandable and true. If kids died in a car crash means its there Karma, they must have done somethin bad in a life before this one."
Once again, reasonable, thoughtful, bright people do not believe in reincarnation.
Oh, yeah -- Mock, mock, mock.
Karma is not ridiculous! its perfectly understandable.
If you posit some cosmic force behind it, it's a bit out there. Assholes tend to get what's coming to them, yes, but the retribution comes from human, not divine, sources.
Do not mock my beiliefs.
Then don't make your beliefs so eminently mockable.
If you get murderd means u deserve it.
If kids died in a car crash means its there Karma, they must have done somethin bad in a life before this one.
Why not punish them in the life that they *did* screw up? Your way runs the risk of appearing to reward bad behavior and punish good (because no one knows whose past lives are whose). Hard to be ambiguous about it if you punish them when they screw up instead of waiting.
I'm with TDR here. This silly, oversimplified attempt at an explanation is nothing short of pathetic.
(Don't hit me, guys--remember, I told you I'm a theist! ;))
If you spout nonsense, I mock it. Don't tell me not to. If you make sense, we can discuss things, but I mock your stupidity and incoherence.
Mock, mock mock!
More Rosenti fatalist violence justification apologetics, disguised as religion.
This is like a belief in destiny, mixed with a distortion of the Buddhist or Hindu concept, like Moksha or escaping the wheel of Samsara to reach Nirvana, etc. The avoidance of karma accumulation and the ideal of trying to purge some of it with certain observances and meditation. With the preoccupation not to avoid being frivolously killed in future lives, but to escape the wheel of constant reincarnations, exit the worlds of form, etc.
Because of this, I wonder if this was troll, presenting a parodic straw man of oriental religions. They also promoted strange misrepresentations of Christianity. But interestingly, in both cases, it also seems like an attempt to justify violence.
“If you get murderd means u deserve it..”
So, i do…SOMETHING… And that makes the universe make someone else murder me for justice.
Of course, that means that this second person is a murderer. Don’t they deserve to be murdered, then?
And THAT person deserves to be murdered, for karmic burden of murdering the guy that murdered me…
This isn’t balance, this is just contamination, like the measles.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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