Most people think that the rainbow is only a token from God that He would never destroy the earth again with water. Even though this is very true, the rainbow means more. The rainbow is a reminder to all humanity that GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISES! We read in Titus 1:2 that God cannot lie. Any time you see a rainbow, you remember that God keeps His Word. This is the beauty of the Word of God...It is filled with thousands of promises from God.
It is sickening that the Sodomites would dare desecrate such a holy object as the rainbow with their wickedness. God will hold each and every one of them accountable. The rainbow is God's gift to humanity...NOT the sodomites. They have no claims to the rainbow (or the once decent word "gay"). There is nothing "gay" about the sodomites. So the next time you see a rainbow in the sky, think about the fact that God never lies! God has promised that the unrighteous will burn in hell (Psalm 9:17). Sodomites can desecrate the rainbow, but they can never change it's TRUE meaning!
"Most people think that the rainbow is only a token from God that He would never destroy the earth again with water."
Actually, when I see a rainbow, your god is the most distant thing from my mind. I think, "hmm, a rainbow, that's nice."
"We read in Titus 1:2 that God cannot lie."
Are you serious? Have you ever read your Bible? Your god lies on literally dozens of occasions throughout both testaments. You obviously don't know much about your Bible, David. Get back to slandering underage girls and washed-up female pop stars. It's a lot more entertaining than your ignorance of the Bible.
"...He would never destroy the earth again with water."
I bet the cleanup after the first flood was a bitch. Learned his lesson. Nowadays he's quite content just to destroy large sections of it with millions of people living there.
Some promise.
blah blah God blah blah bible verse blah blah sodomites blah blah everyone I hate will burn in hell.
I wish I where a fundie. Its so much easier to just spout crap like this then to come up with something intelligent. I could blather about how the lord will smite all bigots for not following so and so verse instead of taking the time to tear apart their pathetic arguments.
Shit, god really hates me then, I guess. I have a color defection, not gonna say colorblind 'cause then tards go "can you then only see in black and white".. which results in can only see 3-4 of the colors. I figured out I had a color defection, before I knew of a possibility of a god.
And why a fucking rainbow? couldn't he/she/it/them come down and say, I'm God, pray to me, but no, he has to make a something with light reflexions?
I also tried descrecating a rainbow.. I tried catching that son of bitch, to beat it senseless.. but it was too fast for me :(
Not at all. The rainbow is a token of the Sun's resplendent glory. It's a reminder that it's raining on the horizon between the Sun and the observer.
Honestly, I believe little children have a stronger claim to the rainbow than anyone else.
"So the next time you see a rainbow in the sky, think about the fact that God never lies!"
Who wants to remind good ol' David about the moldy old fairy tale Infallible Word of Gawd Almighty that tells us about Gawd explaining about the Tree of Knowledge, then the serpent explaining said tree, and finally what actually did happen to Adam and Eve when they ate of the tree's fruit?
No, David. Your god was a liar from the very beginning of your Bible, and remains so to this day. I'd sooner accept a promise of cake from GlaDOS than accept even the smallest of promises from your god, assuming he ever existed outside the imaginations of those who believed in him.
You mean like his promise that he'll never massacre most of the population again, which he's supposed to break during the tribulation? Or the time he came down to earth in human form, and promised to return within the lifespan of his original disciples? Cannot lie my ass. And don't even get me started on the contradiction that raises when you take into account that he's supposed to be omnipotent.
The rainbow is the result of light refracting off of water vapor. Real miraculous.
Actually, the meaning is just whatever you assign to it.
When I see a rainbow, I think, "That's really weird because it's an optical illusion; If I could fly to where it appears to be, I would find it's not actually there"
When I see a rainbow, I think, "Damn! A rainbow! That's AWESOME. I never see rainbows! Where is my cell phone so I can take a picture?" Not "Blahbbity blah blah God blah blah flood blahbitty blah blahbitty blah."
im pretty sure its actually sunlight reflecting off the rain drops.
what you said sounds kind of like a story a crazy 96 year old man who claims to be 9000 years old would tell his great grandson in their cave after they brought the goats in for the night a long long time ago.
God: I do believe I will destroy all life with another global flood.
(rainbow appears in sky)
God: Aw crapz*. I totally forgot I promised not to do that anymore.
*apparently god is T-rex from Dinosaur Comics
The next time you see a rainbow, remember it's a sign ...
... that Jesus and his 12 main dudes are having a gay orgy in Heaven.
The rainbow is a light refraction through atmospheric water, and it's arced because the world is round. You can make one with a garden hose, if you like.
And again, what is it with you fundies and butt sex? You think that's the only intercourse gays have? You need some education.
Most people think that the rainbow is only a token from God that He would never destroy the earth again with water.
I do not think most people believe this.
I'm sure most would believe that you're a moronic cunt, though. And they'd be correct.
god of the babble is the creator of evil... beyond that, I really don't care if he lies or not. Isaiah 45:7
Sorry, can't seem to get past Titus 1:2 on this B.S.
We read in Titus 1:2 that God cannot lie.
2 Thes 2:11/ 1 Kings 22:23/ Ezek 14:9 all say that god lied and decived people.
They have no claims to the rainbow (or the once decent word "gay").
Says who? Who said a rainbow belonged to you? You seem like one of those screaming 3 year olds that would fight about anything.
but they can never change it's TRUE meaning!
A rainbow is an optical illusion. It has no meaning.
lol at first I couldn't get where the idiot was going with the rainbow, but lol!
But yeah... I guess my crayons will be joining Sodomites in hell since they "took god's rainbow" as well.
I just couldn't resist
I'm not sure if he's just *that* starved for sex, or if there's something he'd like to tell us about his orientation...
The rainbow is the bloody BRIDGE between worlds, IIRC -- I'm a bit behind on Norse mythology.
"The rainbow is God's gift to humanity...NOT the the next time you see a rainbow in the sky, think about the fact that God never lies! God has promised that the unrighteous will burn in hell (Psalm 9:17). Sodomites can desecrate the rainbow, but they can never change it's TRUE meaning!"
1) Your god also mentioned he'd return in the lifespan of his disciples. He never lies, huh?
2) He also promised that he'd never use water to destroy the Earth. Bangladesh, Louisiana, and China would like to have a word with your god, David.
3) When there's a rainbow, most people think, 'Oh, pretty', not 'God's Promise'. And let's be honest--the symbol that the homosexual population uses is not a true representation of a rainbow, anyway...when was the last time you saw teal in a real rainbow?
4) 'Sodomites'. Prove to me that Sodom existed beyond the fairy tale.
5) How do you desecrate light refracting through water vapor? Do they make special spray paint for that?
6) Since when are homosexuals not human?
You are a miserable fuck.
@Shadoboy: That's one of my least favorite levels in the game because the bright colors practically blind me and I keep falling off the track. Stupid Rainbow Road.
So, David, how do you feel about the Care Bears?
"We read in Titus 1:2 that God cannot lie."
"And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have deceived that prophet." Ezekiel 14:9
Nice "sodomite=not part of humanity" trick, mister. And as I recall, the Psalms mention Sheol, which is a distinct concept closer to limbo then hell. Theology fail.
Once,I followed this rainbow all the way to its end and I found a big pot of gold,but this little guy came out and put a curse on me and........whoops,wrong myth....
Bzzzt! Wrong! Most people know that the rainbow is the sun shining through a rain-drop acting like a prism, creating a spectrum of colors to be visible over the sky.
The "sodomites" are part of humanity, stupid.
Y'know, "David J. Stewart", there is another group of people who lay claim on your allegedly "holy" rainbow. People you seem to detest as much as gays. These people are called "scientists", and they do horrendous desecrating things like this:
Now, "David J. Stewart", please do me a favour, and cry "Blasphemy" >;->
@David J. Stewart
God cannot
Do you realize that every time you say, “God cannot” do a particular thing, be it allow evil in heaven, tolerate homosexuals, or even lie, you are denying his omnipotence? By definition, an omnipotent being can do anything he or she darn well pleases. Find one thing that being cannot do, and you have disproved that being’s omnipotence.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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