[A letter about a woman who decided to divorce her husband because he physically, verbally, and emotionally abused her and her children]
Is it ok to divorce an abusive spouse? No! Jesus stated in Matthew 19:7-8 ...
"They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away? He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so."
Carefully notice that the woman in the above letter failed to mention even one negative thing about herself. Oh, she must be an angel. It is sinful pride that causes all divorces.
Yeah? And if my ancestors had taken your bible word for word, I would've probably have been born a slave. After all, fighting for freedom isn't "obeying your masters as unto the lord".
Oh, and go die in a fire!
This kind of thing makes me want to believe in reincarnation. After dying in a fire, may David be reborn as a child-bride whose husband locks her in the house, beats her and her children, and rents her out to rapists.
As a woman, I hate David for even making me think such things. Arrrgh.
Ah, so unless she isn't sufficiently self-critical, then it wasn't really abuse?
Is that the misogynistic "logic" there?
Good thing you can blame all the shit you cause on the bible, so you yourself don't have to be responsible.
"Fundie. Taking morals to the lowest level."
Part of me is wondering if Davey-boy had a spouse who divorced him because he kept spouting this shit, and she wouldn't put up with his abuse.
An abusive spouse has no rights over the abused, and deserves to be put behind bars.
Die celibate, retard.
Besides, nobody is either perfect or an angel, only Jesus and Mary, according to the Gospels. In that case, what sense would it make to have a moral law?. In which grounds is she misbehaving and her husband isn't?, moreover, probably most of the victims of a murder were not saints, should the state stop prosecuting them because of that?. Are you actually saying, hey guys, kill, steal and cheat and hit as much as you like. The people you harm are not good people either.
The biblical prohibition was against MEN "putting their wives away." Women had no ability to obtain a divorce on their own in those days. Also, jesus approved divorces in cases of unfaithfulness and abusing one's spouse is certainly being unfaithful to the marriage vows.
How can you claim a person as your savior when you are so unfamiliar with what he supposedly taught? Makes you an idiot as well as an arsehole.
Domestic abuse apologists piss me off.
There is no good reason for domestic abuse. No justification, no excuses. Women are NOT property, they are not slaves, they are not second-class citizens.
There is no single reason for "all divorces," least of all pride. Domestic abuse, however, is a perfect reason for divorce.
Would you remain at a job where the boss walked into your office and beat the hell out of you every time you didn't meet his petty, unrealistic, and often contradictory expectations? No? Then why expect a woman to do the same?
Face it, pal: you just want to be able to beat your wife and not have her testify against you in court. And that makes you an inhuman bastard.
It is a series of things -far- worse than sinful pride (and often that too) that leads to spousal abuse.
I think I'm in the lead over Not-Cox's "What?" for overusing a meme, but since Mr. Stewart just owned himself in an explosion of irony and misogynistic bias, it's so worth it here:
I hope, for your sake, that you are not married. Or at least not to a human being.
Because if you are married there is a very good chance that one day, maybe not too long from now, you will wake up in a pool of blood and realize in a panic that she finally just cut your tiny little pecker off.
If you are married, all I can say is that I hope it happens before you have kids.
Or perhaps an arrogant prick like you who thinks it's her place to tend to you. I hope your next "girlfriend" is hung like a fire hose.
Failing that, please, PLEASE go play in traffic.
"It is sinful pride that causes all divorces."
No, it is spineless men like you who think its okay to beat a woman that causes the majority of all divorces.
The bible also says "husbands, love your wives as christ loves the church."
Was he doing that? No.
Mr. Stewart, you most likely have never been abused, you would not understand.
Your a goddamn moron. If my spouse was abusing my I'd divorce them too. Because I'm not going to be treated like that, I'm too good for that shit. You need to pull your head out of your fundie asshole. Sincerly, Zach Medlin.
Women have actually died from domestic abuse. Here is a story for you Davey Boy - One time when a pastor and some of his congregation were hanging out at the church. They heard screaming and rushed into a room where a husband was strangling his wife on a table. The men pulled the husband off and the pastor was unsure what to do. He never adresses domestic abuse in the church before and didn't know how to do is "biblically". An hour later the husband apologized and promised not to do it again. The pastor, who was perified, said "ok" and let him go home with his wife. At 2am in the morning the pastor got a call; it was the husband saying he had killed his wife. Yes David that woman died. Divorce should be allowed. Is your job devoted to spreading ignorance?
Oh not to mention - I really abhor you. I really do. You can take your retarted backward "mind" and shove it up the furthest part of your A**!
I'd suggest you read Davie's other stuff, but really...don't. To condense his usual view for you, so you don't have to look through his works, and shatter what faith you might have in humanity...he'd stand by the husband. If the wife had not been so stubbornly prideful and defiant, and just submitted to her husband's whims, she would be alive now, and he should be commended for suffering her as long as he did. In his eyes, a man cannot be held responsible for anything a woman "makes" him do.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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