Ok so why do athiests use the phrase 'god damn it' in the first place if they don't believe there actually is a God who damns? Hypocrites...
i say "God knows, thank God, and God must really hate that place" because I know people will understand my feelings in that situation. It's called common languge. I also say Holy cow, Holy crap and Holy S**t but I don't believe any of them to be dietys
If you're brought up saying something as, you'll keep saying it throughout your life.
Like how you've been spewing bullshit since you were born, so you still do that.
Excuse me for saying, but what the hell (see, I'm doin' it again,) are we atheist really supposed to say then? I mean, removing all religion-related swear words, curses or such, you are more or less left with sex-related stuff. I don't know 'bout you, but people who use the phrase 'fuck' more than two times per sentance, really does nothing but mild amusitude (not a word, I think) and annoyance. It's all about being understood, and considering a certain religion hijacked most modern languages in the west... well goddamn.
Because religion is such a pervasive aspect of western society in the first place that it's become ingrained in the lexicon, that's why.
When you say "I'm really pissed off", you are not in any sense invoking urine. It is just a figure of speech.
I tend to say 'gods damn it' and 'thank gods' - hugely pretentious, annoys the fundies no end and covers all permutations. Not that I believe in any of 'em for a moment, but as has already been said, it's a cultural thing, sometimes it's hard to break the habit. And I only use sex-related expletives when truly riled, as I find they're so overused these days they've lost most of their original force.
I do confess to a sneaking admiration for the expletive used in Ghostbusters , though - 'mother pus-bucket!' Sounds most unpleasant... (the pus-bucket part, I mean. I'm a mum myself, we take enough flak as it is.)
W.C.Fields used
Godfrey Daniel
and Mother'f Pearl quite effectively in his movies. And Jesus Christ means much more to me as a swear phrase than anything to revere. So God Damnit works, too, especially since fundies disapprove. Heh heh heh
As hilarious as that is, it is largely due to it is a cultural expression used to express frustration. It is entirely dependent on the culture you were raised in and around. If I was raised in Iraq, I'd probably say "Allah damn it." If I was born in India, I'd be saying "Vishnu damn it." Japan, it'd be..uh...well, I'm not totally 100% on the Shinto mythos. But you get the point.
So, you believe in all the Greek/Roman gods that our planets and months are named after, AND the Aesir gods that the days of the week are named after, as you're definitely no hypocrite! Right?
I sometimes say the Swedish equvalent of "Lord Devils" or "Hell" (Herre Jävlar, Helvete) when I get hurt, scared or very surprised. I believe in neither gods nor devils nor hell.
“Ok so why do athiests use the phrase 'god damn it' in the first place if they don't believe there actually is a God who damns? Hypocrites...”
I swear. I didn’t used to. But i joined the Navy. Now i swear a god damned lot.
Because that’s what the people around me did.
I dunno about hypocrisy. I mean, we say, ‘Fuck you!’ but we don’t wish sexual satisfaction upon the other person.
We say, ‘Shit’ and ‘Crap’ and ‘Barf’ without any expectations for biological output to be produced.
I’ve called a very few people a ‘cunt, whether or not they had a vagina.
And most everyone i know that uses ‘son of a bitch’ doesn’t expect paperwork filed with the American Kennel Club registration.
Pretty sure it’s the Christains around me that cause me to swear, and swear with Christain terms. I mean, i don’t run down a list of available terms after the hammer hits my thumb.
You should really be asking why people who DO think god answers prayer are asking God to damn something to Hell.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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