Armistead14 #fundie
How God tortures will be up to him. There will be millions in hell that never heard the gospel, like the Indians, maybe they won't be tortured as bad. Then take teens, whenever they pass age of accountability, say 13, probably a few million have died over time before they reached 18, who knows had they lived longer they may have accepted, so maybe they will get a break. Millions are born in cultures and by birth taught something else and will believe it, so they shouldn't get the worse levels.
Course, think about the Jews duing WW2 and how surprised they will be. Over 6 million, 95% loved God more than most, but like most still waiting for the Messiah and didn't accept Christ. I'm sure they were sincere, being tortured by the Nazi's. To them their only hope was God. Can you imagine how they will feel, to go through all that torture on earth and then face the God they prayed too and he'll place them in eternal hell where Hitler's torture won't compare....probably just part of the generational curse on the Jews, but I would think they would be tortured less, because they loved God, but why should they get less, they denied Christ. In reality the majority of Jews will face eternal torture.
Really, with probably 80% of people going to hell, they all go for not accepting the gospel. I would assume God chooses who goes there. Face it, if you or I was born in Iran, we would be Muslim, so we're lucky to be born in the USA.
I don't see any levels in hell, but some believe it. Just be glad you're not going, to face torment on a level man has never done to man, where a trillion years is not even a second. We all will have many family members there which is sad, but God will erase them from our minds so there will be no tears in heaven, only pure joy.
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