TheCorsair00 #conspiracy

The Satanic Faction of the Military Behind the 'Targeted Individuals/Mind Control' Phenomenon

Recently, Corey Goode has revealed testimony of the shill operation known as Personality Metamorphs, where essentially NSA/GCHQ type agents in offices full of computer monitors have hundreds of fake internet accounts for posting on forums such as GLP's competition and Project Camelot and all over Facebook and YouTube and definitely HERE as well: [link to]

What you probably don't know is that behind this entire operation is a rather elaborate scheme involving brain wave entrainment and EMP technologies developed out of all sequences of the MK Ultra and Montauk projects and are operated out of bases that have sequestered wireless electricity transmission technologies such as Pine Gap in Australia. A deathbed confession from a notorious Satanist reveals the name of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino in relation to the top secret facility of Pine Gap: [link to]

So-called supersoldiers such as James Casbolt have also revealed recently that Aquino is a general of the NSA. This surveillance technology goes above and beyond merely spying on people's phones and computers. Snowden documents revealed that microwaves are beamed onto, for example, computer screens so that visual and audio information can be usurped via the laser beam and thus remote surveillance can occur WITHOUT mics or cameras. In other words, with adequate microwave beaming, an entire 3D holographic read out of an entire area, I.e. everywhere, can be tapped into. Not only that, but the visual input from the eyes into the brain and the different brain wave states can be monitored and hacked into by this modern mind control technology. If you have ever seen the movie Videodrome, you will recall a helmet that records internal hallucinatory states. Another main component in the movie involved Satanic snuff/sex rituals and pirate satellite transmissions that piggy-backed on an encrypted channel, but were essentially beamed onto the entire populace. Aspects of these movies, such as in Spielberg's 'Taken' also depict what the NSA is doing at the highest level, which includes tweaking humanity's DNA and introducing negative frequencies onto the overall human populace who are not "shielded" or endowed with mutant DNA. This is, of course, for population reduction and also apparently for a genetic mutation of the species which is also depicted in the X-Men films (directed by Bryan Singer who has been accused by numerous sources to be involved with a shadowy Hollywood elite called 'The Group' who sexually molest young boys etc).

Although I can not prove it whatsoever and had until recently thought of as a "dear friend", one of the beloved guests on Project Camelot etc, Richard Alan Miller is actually very highly connected to ALL of this - as well as to the so-called "non-lethal weaponry" of John Alexander and what has been revealed as being called 'Murder Inc.' in Steven Greer's 'Forbidden Knowledge' book. Miller actually operates the microwave weaponry and does daily Personality Metamorph posts on a specific conspiracy forum and GLP as well as Facebook etc. They will target specific individuals online with fake accounts and do things like mess with their heads by posting information that is indicative of personal knowledge of the individual's personal environment etc. These people can SEE through our eyes and interact with our household appliances (by making them pop and click), and also entrain or pulse our brains with specific frequencies utilizing microwave ray guns and satellite-based weapons connected to HAARP and/or Pine Gap. The user ryba777 on the conspiracy torrent website 'ConCen' is also Richard Alan Miller and has posted information about these microwave guns along with veiled threats.

"World War 3 is being fought on the internet"
- Richard Alan Miller

p.s. A Personal Note: I have been being pulsed regularly for the past 2 months - I can feel electrical pulsing on my right temple, as well as all over my face, in my eyes and recently in both feet at specific intervals. When I am starting to enter REM sleep I am awakened by a blast of EMP to my face or the side of my head and can often feel prickles at specific regions in my brain - [although having recently purchased and been wearing a microwave blocking skull cap, the pulsing has started to occur in my feet.] Certain forum posts in direct reply to my own have hinted at threats involving microwave blasts. Specific posts and threads over the past 3 years are archived and correspondence documented. Specifically after an 'Ask Me Anything' thread by Michael Aquino where he was locked out of his main account upon being found out by staff that he was trolling regular users to the site. Springer, the owner and administrator of a competitor conspiracy forum was also notified of this PsyOps, the logistics of which are detailed in Michael Aquino's book 'MindWar', which reveal the manipulation of brain wave states in regards to modern psychological warfare techniques and their goals for spinning intelligence/stories online and accomplishing military goals without the use of physical warfare. Shortly after notifying admin for a certain forum, I started having internet and cell phone-related issues, up to and including my phone turning off when I was outside and in need of calling somebody at a specific time, and when I was finally able to re-start my phone, the background image had been changed. The phone battery also eventually swelled up and essentially exploded, likely from being pulsed with EMP so many times. I also have experienced a myriad of internet technical difficulties, too many to list here. I have had to endure a few episodes of gang-stalking, shortly after revealing Aquino and friends to a specific forum's mods, and a close friend of mine has also been victimized by mind control games and has verified several things with me as well. There was a period of time when I was merely under NSA surveillance, but since speaking up about specific people, namely Richard Alan Miller, who turns out to be my 'handler', these issues involving microwave pulsing have increased quite dramatically.

These Satanic operatives know a lot and can do a lot of technological things, particularly to mind-fuck and irritate people - but the irony is that they are all trapped having to do surveillance on people. 24/7. In that sense, they have, by virtue of their own self-fulfilling prophesy and complete reckless disregard, created their own digital Hell that they are the managerial class operators of. They might as well be chained and hand-cuffed! And on a metaphysical/archetypal level - they are eternally trapped. Remember that scene in 'Interstellar' when the astronaut gets trapped in the "morse code library" - back in time? Time travel to the moment when their timeline bifurcated into a dead end trap. They will basically have to Quantum jump like in the show Quantum Leap to pay off all their bad karma. Their technologies will be re-purposed...

I regret to add that the NSA utilize a vast majority of their surveillance capabilities for perverse sexual voyeurism. Even though a lot of the operatives are really old and their sexuality isn't working for them any longer, others spend a lot of time preying on people who are doing sexual things.

These Satanists actually do worship sexual perversion and they do try to steer innocent civilians down that path. Sex is all that is holy to most Satanists. Bestiality, snuff, child porn, mentally and physically handicapped people, incest, scat etc. They are into all of that! It's not just a stereotype!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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