I saw a Burger King commercial recently, where all the employees were dancing, swaying their bodies to the jungle music, celebrating the Junior Whopper being on sale. That is immoral and wrong. The corporations know that Americans are materialistic and gullible, programmed to respond to sexually suggestive advertising. The old adage is true that, “sex sells!” Dancing is synonymous with impudent (a casual look of disrespect, improperly forward or bold) faces on women. That's the look of disrespect, a 'whores forehead' the Bible calls it. Jeremiah 3:3 - The Blush Of Shame Verses The Whore's Face That Refuses To Be Ashamed (MP3 sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles). Whorish women are rebels and it shows on their impudent faces.
The jungle music? Is Pedo Dave being racist in addition to his usual problems, or is it simply that he doesn't know the difference between jungle and jingle...?
@Old Viking:
Why do you continue to watch TV when all it does is make you cranky?
Because he gets a big charge out of "righteous" indignation, duh! :P
I also suspect that this is one of the few ways he can watch women and little girls without getting the cops on his case again. I wouldn't be particularly surprised if it turned out that he shouts "whore" and other obscenities at the TV whenever an attractive, non-burka-wearing female appears. Dave is one of the best illustrations of the Sex Is Evil and I Am Horny principle since Claude Frollo...
Well, there's:
1- The 'Channel +/-' buttons on your remote control.
2- The 'On/Off' button on your TV.
3- Obey Matthew 19:21, sell your TV and donate the money to a charity.
4- No 'Righteous Indignation' for you! [/Justification Nazi]
5- ?????
6- David J. Pedobear is a sad panda.
"The corporations know that Americans are materialistic and gullible, programmed to respond"
If you stop there, he's right. The great Christian holiday season rears it's head yet again. On black Friday this November many will die, many will be crippled yet again in the season of joy and capitalism and buying love.
American Christianity has repeatedly shown it's sort of unique faults in this season: Capitalism, commerce, gun and violence worship, religious prejudice, hypocritical excess, selfishness, entitlement that would shame the most committed communist.
They are actually considering an example of the most selfish uncaring prick on the planet, (In the game)as president, sadly almost all them fit that description but they want the loudest most ignorant to be their leader and face to the world.
Jesus better fucking weep.
the employees were dancing, swaying their bodies ... That is immoral and wrong. ... Dancing is synonymous with impudent
But when King David does it, it's ok?
2 Samuel 6:14
And David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod.
Oh Noes, women who are not ashamed of their sexuality, the horror, the horror! They will actually demand to be treated like human beings rather than blow-up dolls!
"swaying their bodies to the jungle music"
That's how far I got before the "yeap, this is David J Stewart" realization (without looking at the contribution first, of course).
Ah, yes, the fear that somebody, somewhere, is having fun. That's the definition of fundamentalism, according to Ambrose Bierce and as time passes, it is becoming ever more obvious.
"Swaying to the Jungle music." That could be in a shitty romance novel.In all actuality, the fact that he finds this sexually suggestive at all shows how horny and sexually repressed he is, and how frustrated he is at the rest of the world for being more free than him. If there is any argument against trying to deny yourself releif from sexual tension, it would be this.
I keep waiting for DJS to discover "The Big Bang Theory," with its rampant sexual immorality, scantily dressed women and making fun of religious believers. If he ever sees an episode of "2 Broke Girls," his head will explode.
Happy Holidays! :-)
"I saw a Burger King commercial recently, where all the employees were dancing, swaying their bodies to the jungle music, celebrating the Junior Whopper being on sale. That is immoral and wrong. The corporations know that Americans are materialistic and gullible, programmed to respond to sexually suggestive advertising. The old adage is true that, “sex sells!” Dancing is synonymous with impudent (a casual look of disrespect, improperly forward or bold) faces on women. That's the look of disrespect, a 'whores forehead' the Bible calls it. Jeremiah 3:3 - The Blush Of Shame Verses The Whore's Face That Refuses To Be Ashamed (MP3 sermon by Pastor Jack Hyles). Whorish women are rebels and it shows on their impudent faces."
Oh Man do you suffer from PDS - Pussy Deficit Syndrome. But then considering that you are a cow pate it is not a surprise.
New idea for a game. Show David Fuckhead Stewart a picture of a woman wearing a full hijab, not showing a speck of skin, as she's in the kitchen - basically exactly what he wants for all women. Then, guess how many milliseconds it takes for him to declare her to be a whore because of her dress or something she's doing. Whoever guesses closest wins. Bonus points can be for guessing how many milliseconds it takes after that for him to excuse his inability to even catch a glimpse of the human female silhouette without getting horny, and for guessing whether he blames it on Hollywood propaganda, claims he has a "man's mind" rather than a dirty mind, or both.
yes dancing is of the devil, especially rythmic black peoples jungle musuic.
Random hedonistic sex orgies are the proper way to celebrate a whopper.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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