Claim: Obama uses the Muslim Pakistani pronunciation for "Pakistan" rather than the common American one
There is no "muslim" pronunciation for Pakistan. You will find pleanty of muslim who also use the pronunciation "Pack-ee-stan" as opposed to the proper pronunciation "Paa-ki-staan". It's a matter of personal preferrence and in some small number of cases, ignorence.
If educated, you pronounce what you have learned.
Not always. There are quite a few things that I was taught to pronounce a certain way that I now pronounce differently after having been corrected.
Where did he learn the Muslim use of Pokistan?
Once again, There is not a pronunciation of Pakistan that is exclusive to muslims, and the fact that you think there is one is laughible and is proof of just how far some people will go to remain ignorant of any and every thing that you fear may conflict with your ideological presuppositions and assumptions.
Occidental teach this? University of Chicago teach this? Does Harvard teach this
Somehow I doubt that the pronunciation of the name Pakistan is a matter of school policy, at any school, ever.
Only a Muslim knows the proper way to pronounce so he was taught by Muslims.
What a load of horse shit. I pronounce it the same way, nd have all my life, and I didn't require any muslim teaching or indoctrination to do so. Moreover, one should not only expect, but demand that their head of state know the proper pronunciation of the name of a country that we have diplomtic relations with.
On top of all that, WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT MATTER!!! What importance or concern is it if the person or persons that he learned the pronunciation (That's assuming he was ever "taught" to say it that way) from is a muslim? Does the way someone pronounces a word deterime their religion for all time? Does it determine what their political positions are or where their sympathies? No, of course it doesn't, and the suggestion that it does just goes to show how pathetic the far right wing has become.