I Hereby announce that studying human DNA is a big, fat waste of time and money. All those scientists are out of their minds. I could accomplish more with a plastic shovel in my kids' sandbox.
supersport, you had me fooled with where you were going with that shovel. Ah, but I digress into childishness. You are right of course. If we were made from dust why would we have dna? So clearly there is no point studying such clearly made up nonsense.
If your aim is to build sandcastles, then yes, DNA research doesn't help you much. If on the other hand you want to research human evolution, profiling and medicine, then it becomes a lot more handy.
Yeah! And all those Alzheimer's sufferers out there, the Parkinson's patients and the like, well, fuck 'em! God wants them to be that way!
As a geneticist, this kind of stupidity makes me genuinely sad.
We bust a fucking gut, working hours that a lot of people wouldn't for very little pay and this is the sort of idiocy our hard work is met with.
I hope your huntingtin gene has more than 40 copies of the CAG repeat.
supersport: By all means, then, get shoveling -- or, rather, keep shoveling, but switching to sand sounds a lot better than continuing to shovel more of this bovine excrement.
I don't know if getting you thus occupied accomplishes more than DNA research, but it's got to accomplish more of a positive nature than having you continue shoveling this manure online.
~David D.G.
Cat of many faces
12/13/2006 4:19:02 PM
Ehh, he's just mad that his DNA is all broken and stuff.
Good one, Cat! I'm still snorting over that, and really if anyone's DNA is broken, it's supersport's!
Then supersport, I recommend you read Francis Collins' The Language of God. Not only is Dr. Collins a Christian, but also head of the Human Genome Project, which has undertaken the task of mapping DNA.
Huntington's Disease's most obvious symptoms are abnormal body movements called chorea and lack of coordination, but it also affects a number of mental abilities and some aspects of personality. These physical symptoms commonly become noticeable in a persons forties, but can occur at any age. The more repeats of CAG that a persons huntington's gene has the earlier in life it will affect them. Im not quite sure but I think 40 is a lot, thus it will hopefully be kicking in for supersport anyday now.
I Hereby announce that supersport is a freakin' moron. I know that this may come as a shock to many of you, but I've gathered a lot of evidence that pointed me towards this conclusion, and I think that, now, it is time to reveal my findings.
Tell that to the "bubble" children, who are born with defective immune systems. Doctors have succesfully treated the condition by removing bone marrow, delivering a genetic correction to the cells via a virus, then reimplanting the bone marrow. The genetically altered cells then begin to divide and rebuild the immune system. Children who might have to spend their lives in isolation are able to lead normal lives thanks to this kind of treatment. And this is just an early use of the technique. Expect to see it applied to other genetic conditions over the next decade.
Archangel, yes, 40's a lot. Any more than 35 CAGs and you're screwed. With 40, you'll sink into dementia on average by age 59. With 42, by age 37, etc. It's relentless. And your kids have a 50% chance of inheriting it, too. Most people wouldn't even want to be tested for it because at the moment, if you have the defect, your fate is sealed and there's no cure.
Sure, why should we care what causes sickle-cell anemia? Tay-Sachs Disease? Cystic Fibrosis? Werner's Syndrome? Phenylketonuria? Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma? Prostate Cancer? Transitional Cell Carcinoma? Breast Cancer? Oh, and there are 20,000 other genetic diseases we shouldn't care about either...
I would have thought that there was an important contribution he could make to the human genepool with a shovel and a sandbox, but then I realise he has kids and that it is too late - those genes have already been propagated.
And thus, Supersport has finally managed to provide some convincing evidence against natural selection!
If you don't think you'd be too big to fit in the sandbox, then by all means, be my guest and go spend time with your progeny. This accomplishes two goals: it gets them more time with you*, and it gets us less time with you.
*It's debatable whether this is a good thing, of course.
Oh, and Balom : That is a cute picture. You don't mind if I help myself? Thanks!
Wow. Would you really have scientists give up studying the human genome simply because we don't understand everything about it? Would you really give up on studying the human genome because it hasn't magically produced some sort of panacea for genetic diseases?
Well, Supersport would. But let's face it. I've met types of cheese smarter than Supersport.
Just because something doesn't have an immediate benefit or because it is not going to benefit you personally does not make it a waste of time!
@Anon : I seriously doubt guarantee that he neither understands or cares. Check out Supersport's other posts that have made it to this site. Unless he's been taking a colossal piss at everyone for years, he's stated plainly that he doesn't grasp any aspect of ANY branch of science, he's fiercely proud of that fact, and completely and wholeheartedly embraces any pseudoscience in preference.
If people die as a result of woo, it's no skin off his nose. Just to slam home how callous the bastard is, check out his "tribute" to the late Chemist99a from CARM:
So, have you found the cure for cancer, AIDS and antibiotic-resistance yet, in that sandbox of yours?
That is what that "big, fat waste of time and money" is aiming at.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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