Stephanie Relfe #conspiracy
Most conspiracy researchers believe that the secret power who runs the world from behind the scenes, (shown by sources such as the White House Insider*), is based in the City of London. Our research has led us to believe that, in fact, the English are just the visible “fall guys”, and that the real power is based in France.
*The White House Insider told this amazing story of the little man who tells Presidents What to do.
One piece of evidence when we went looking for evidence for or against the theory that France rules the world was a tongue-in-cheek article which revealed some startling facts:
“Who rules the world? France, of course
My son has made a startling discovery that will confirm the deepest fears of the leader writers of The Sun. Britain, according to French officialdom, is part of the the 99th département (county) of France. So is the United States. So are China, Russia, Gabon, Lithuania and Kazakhstan. In fact, the whole of the rest of the world, save Monaco, is merely the 99th département of France—..
My son is sitting his baccalauréat, the French equivalent of A-levels, next June. He recently had to sign his official examination entry form: —
His form was filled in as follows.
•Name: —-
•Nationality: Foreigner.
•Born: Washington.
•Département: 099.
•Country: United States.
•Département 099? What is département 099?
There are 95 départements, or counties, in metropolitan France, numbered from 01 (A in & near Lyons) to 95 Val d’Oise (north of Paris). Their numbers can be found on all French car numberplates.
There is no département 96—..
All the overseas départements – Martinique, Guadeloupe and French Guiana in the Americas and Réunion in the Indian Ocean – count as département number 97.
Monaco, supposedly a sovereign nation, counts as département number 98—
The whole of the rest of the world, my son explained to me, is département 99—.
A little investigative journalism (one phone call and a trawl of the internet) proved that my son was entirely correct. For the education ministry, all foreigners who take the baccalauréat have been born in département 99. According to the interior ministry, the votes of all French citizens who live abroad are cast in département 99. According to the social affairs ministry, all foreigners who use the French state health and pension system, the Sécurité Sociale, started life in département 99.”
To understand the next piece of the puzzle, it helps to realize that the real “power behind the throne” is never what you see. It is run by military aristocracy* whose names you don’t know, through different systems. The military aristocracy were thugs in medieval times. They controlled then by force.
(I learned the term “military aristocracy” from the excellent book Eleanor of Aquitaine by Alison Weir).
Now, the military aristocracy control through systems that control how people think and act – the media (TV, movies, newspapers, radio, computers, cell phones), as well as controlling the supply of money, schools, churches, the Medical Mafia and toxic food to dumb down the masses. (Ref: Illuminati Defector, Svali).
The next piece of evidence is what first made us suspect that France rules the world. We found it in a series of videos about Jodie Foster. She is rumored to be the most powerful woman, and one of the most powerful people in Hollywood. Hollywood is about much more than entertainment. It is key to the Illuminati maintaining control over the masses by controlling their minds. For example, it gets them to focus on:
•War instead of peace.
•Weaponry instead of “livingry” (A word made up by Buckminster Fuller).
•Scarcity instead of abundance.
•Perversions instead of morality and goodness.
•Materialism instead of spirituality and love of God.
•Lies instead of honesty.
•Animalistic behavior instead of consideration for others.
•Lust instead of love.
•We learned that Jodie Foster went to a school in California where ONLY FRENCH is spoken for all lessons!
Only someone who has lived in America could fully appreciate how bizarre this fact is. French? What Americans cares about French? In fact, since Americans are generally so insular and tend to do little travel to other countries, what Americans care about any language (except maybe now for Spanish)? For most people, France is just a place that sells cheese and wine that they hardly ever hear or think about.
The fact that the most powerful woman in Hollywood was educated at a school that spoke ONLY French indicated that this was a fact of Conspiracy Research that had been left out of the bigger picture.
The school is Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles. It is a private, bilingual, and international school founded in 1964 by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kabbaz. whose motto is “We Teach the World”. There are other branches in other American cities.
From the school’s website, Jodie Foster said,
“I feel so lucky to have been educated in The French system. Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles gave me a classic education that not only prepared me for the rigors of an ivy league but opened my mind to a wider sense of the world.“
Question: What is “The French System”? Is this more than just the “official curriculum issued by the French Ministry of Education”? It sure sounds like it. Normal French people don’t seem to have minds that have been opened to “a wider sense of the world.”
The military aristocracy rule the world through SYSTEMS, and intelligence gathering and propaganda are a crucial part of that.
Why does this oligarch school use only French? We assume that this has at least two reasons. The main one is that the oligarchs can communicate clearly with the underlings that they have trained in the schools, such as Jodie Foster.
It’s possible that it’s also because French is a hard language to learn properly. It helps to keep things hidden, and to recognize who’s “in” and who’s “out” by whether or not they speak and understand fluent French.
Cocoon: “a cover that keeps someone safe or warm“.
It is as though France has been walled off from the rest of the world. Both English and French are hard languages to learn. By speaking French, the rest of the world has not much of a clue what is going on in France, except for what the Illuminati want them to know. By not speaking English, the majority of French people are locked off from new discoveries and information that may help free them, such as awareness of how socialism is keeping them enslaved.
We believe that the Illuminati made English the language of business so that the world would be easier for them to steal from, create wars in and take it over; but kept France largely separate so that they had a nice, beautiful, super-safe hiding place for themselves.
The Illuminati may have based themselves in France, because they know that the hearts and metaphysical abilities of the French are the most powerful in the world.
Once the French throw off the Satanic holds which bind them, they can free themselves and bring peace, happiness and prosperity to themselves and earth.