David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
You need to study history, about Communist regimes and what happened to society.
Edward Griffin: The Truth About Communism (a 2 hour documentary)
Learn about the millions of innocent people they murdered. These videos are graphic, showing people being shot dead by firing squads for simply wanting to be free, mass graves filled with bodies, the same exact political tactics and brainwashing of young people as we see today in America. It not only can happen in America... IT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!!!
The following video series is narrated by (of all people) Ronald Reagan long before he became U.S. President. Reagan was recognized as a champion against Communism. Although these videos are the best documentaries available exposing the evils of Communism, at some point Reagan sold-out to the criminal elite (just as the once fundamentalist Billy Graham sold out to Roman Catholicism and apostasy). Dr. John R. Rice actually said decades ago that he thought Billy Graham would become the next Billy Sunday. We'll, Billy Graham became the next Billy Balaam (prophet for hire, 2nd Peter 2:15). Likewise, Reagan sold his soul to the Devil for fame, pleasures and fortune. The following video below is the same as above, but is divided into a series. I am giving you both links just in case one is ever removed...
Edward Griffin: The Truth About Communism (2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13)
Communism And The Civil Rights Movement (by Professor G. Edward Griffin)
Reagan was a member of the satanic Bohemian Grove in California (which President Nixon said was the “the most faggy G_ddamned thing you could ever imagine.” Reagan was commonly known in southern California by his peers as “rainbow Ronnie” for his homosexuality (not surprising when you learn that both Presidents George Bush Jr. and Sr. are homosexuals and worse). DynCorp evidences the level of depravity in our government.
These people are monsters! Even more bizarre is that George Bush Sr. is married to Barbara (the daughter of satanist Aleister Crowley). Truth is stranger than fiction. Reagan was not what he appeared to be. Reagan became a loyal puppet of the globalists. As governor of California, Reagan legalized astrology. Nancy Reagan, his wife, practiced astrology and contacted an astrologer upon the advice of her friend Merv Griffin when President Reagan was shot.
Everything is moving incrementally, step-by-step, much faster than the criminal globalist elite could have envisioned. After decades of pumping immoral television, heathen music, pornography, wicked laws, feminist engineering and worldly philosophies into the minds of impressionable youth... America has become soft, dumbed down, vulnerable and lulled into a state of psychosis (numb to reality).