Ironically, maybe not all of God's children sexually kept to themselves over the years and now we have scientific evidence showing many people really do have monkey blood in them. After all, most holy books do say God punished his children severely at times, and maybe this is why?
These natural geniuses like Miki, operate on a level so far above my poor monkey head that it seems like magic to me. For all the hope that I'll ever understand the complex marvels that they attempt to bring to a plodding atheistic brain like mine, it might as well be magic.
No doubt, the people living several hundred years in the future will look back at these heroic times with a great deal of awe and veneration, thinking to themselves how fantastic it must have been to have been living through those incredible days of exciting discovery and marvelous revelation.
Actually, I've no idea what Miki's on about. It's no good trying to explain it to me, I know it's some sort of highfalutin stuff like string theory. Trying to explain it me, well, you may just as well hand King Lear to a monkey and expect him to appreciate it.
Wait, are you saying God punished non-believers by giving them evidence IN FAVOR of their point of view? o_O
EDIT: Oh... now I see the Beastiality thing too. What is it with Fundies and their obsession with strange fetishes?
Except that we are all, regardless of our race, members of the exact same species, which means we all have the same amount of "monkey blood" in us. Complete science FAIL.
If your god wants to punish people, he apparently smites their IQ and makes them fundies.
Some people have "monkey blood" in them?
Citations seriously needed.
Also, this looks more like a veiled racist than fundy.
I would say that no living human has "monkey blood" in their veins, but the rhesus monkey does have blood similar to ours.
But evolution doesn't mean that one of our humanoid ancestors had buttsex with a retarded monkey fish frog.
Please hit yourself in the face repeatedly with a heavy object, maybe you will be less stupid then. It can't hurt. Well I mean, it might hurt but you don't have to worry about brain damage or anything, it's way too late for that.
And just how are you suggesting gawd punished his children severly? Did he perhaps cause them to be raped by monkeys? And how did all of gawd's children that "kept to themselves" ever reproduce?
Sometimes I wonder how some of these idiots dont drown in their own saliva.
Are you by any chance talking about the new evidence that Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens actually did interbred? - that is a very cool and interesting find, but it doesn't help to let anything you say sound more reasonable!
... Oh, and Neanderthals where no monkeys!
We have monkey blood in us? Monkey blood?
As to ape-blood, we DO have that in us, as we ARE great apes.
I'd think monkeys weren't the primary target for bestiallity-prone "God's children".
Cows and goats are probably much higher up on the "wish-list".
When Miki was infused with the blood of a radioactive monkey, he underwent an incredible transformation, gaining all the powers of the primates. Now, he remains a mild-mannered fundie by day, but by night, he fights crime as... Monkey Man!
"now we have scientific evidence showing many people really do have monkey blood in them"
That is not what "rhesus positive" and "rhesus negative" mean, you idiot!
Ah, Yahoo Answers...
If you had more diligently studied what God established in the rules of nature, those offsprings wouldn't leave any trace in the blood because the offsprings would be, let me see, STERILE?.
The Rh-factor is an antigen found in the blood of about 85% of all humans. It's also found in the rhesus monkey, thus the name Rh. I'm B+. It's genetics. My mom is, too. It has nothing to do with sin.
Friends don't let friends homeschool their kids.
Is this person saying that kids used to fuck monkeys?
I guess some society in the past permitted homosexuality and it immediately led to pedophilia and bestiality. It is the only plausible explanation.
What I got out of this was a chance to reference Flight of the Conchords...
Who's touching these monkeys, please
Just leave the poor sick monkeys alone
They've got problems enough of their own...
Further to what nazani14 said; what it's starting to look like is that we DID descend from monkeys after all!
Let's say that a given clade ("equine", "bird", "chordate", etc.) can be characterised by finding (in principle) the most recent common ancestor of two "typical" members and asserting that the clade consists of all the descendants of that common ancestor (making it the First Equine, Bird, Chordate, etc.).
Now if you say that old-world monkeys and new-world monkeys both belong to the clade "monkey", then all apes including ourselves also descended from the First Monkey.
“and now we have scientific evidence showing many people really do have monkey blood in them.”
Ape, actually.
We all have APE blood in us.
You, me, the Pope, President Musk, Anne Frank, third man in charge of the janitorial staff of the Empire State Building in 1993. All of us.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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