Steve Rudd #fundie
"I would like to teach you in 5 minutes everything you will ever need to know about being a psychologist. [ . . . ] I would also like to teach you about the therapeutic counseling technic called (WWJD)"
This young woman was a Christian who knew her Bible well. She raised her hand and asked the professor to address the class.
[ . . . ]
"Just as you know how to speak without knowing the names of the grammatical rules, so too, you already know how to counsel without learning the names of the 12 therapeutic counseling techniques. [ . . . ] Everyone already knows how to counsel, even if they have never learned the fancy scientistic words and phrases that dissect a complete process into partitioned, distinct little irrelevant pigeon holes."
Agitated, the professor interrupts, "care to give an example for the class"?
"Sure" she says, "Yesterday I had a 30 minute "Cognitive-Behavioral therapy session" with my five year old son.... when I sent him to the time out chair."
Her girlfriend in the audience raises her hand and asks, "You mean Cognitive-Behavioral therapy is when we were disciplined by our parents as children?"
"Yes" she answers. "But you won't learn that till 4th year."
"In fact", she continues, "I routinely combine Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) with Freudian Free Association Therapy (FFAT), when I rattled the wooden spoons in the kitchen drawer as a warning to my disobedient tot. When he hears the sound, he automatically "associates" his last spanking with a wooden spoon and immediately stops the bad behaviour. Wow! Who would have ever thought all young mothers were smart enough to combine these techniques only taught in post graduate psychotherapy courses?"