GUYSSS i didnt come from a ever heard of....ADAM and ummm EVE? Helllllo they werent monkies , i believe our bodies can ADAPT to the envirement presented , such as , another ice age im pretty sure we would be pretty harry and a bad heat wave im pretty sure our bodies would do something but i dont think we actually evovle , i think our body can add more of or take less of in our genetics but not in evolution ^^
...That's not how evolution works.
I mean wait. That is how evolution works.
Never thought I'd get to say that.
In the Sumerian script (predating the bible by at least 3000 years) Aa-DAM = The MEN and Eva'a = The WOMEN, and the great lord Ea did unclog his nose and did urinate upon his feaces to form the waters and did bing the monkeies from the trees and make his the image of himself.....
Another creation story from exactly the same source fundies love to quote. There are 11 of them - now you know 2.
Perfect description of evolution dressed up as adaption, unlike the classical fundie inability to grasp the english language.
Excellent. So your main problem with evolution is that is called 'evolution'. what if we call it, say, 'Nigel'? would that work for you, as you already believe in it.
*sits back and awaits rants about the evilness of Darwinian Nigelism*
"GUYSSS i didnt come from a monkey"
Your typing begs to differ.
"you ever heard of....ADAM and ummm EVE? Helllllo they werent monkies"
FLAWLESS VICTORY! So...yet another moron who thinks that Bible stories trump scientific knowledge. I grieve for mankind...
" believe our bodies can ADAPT to the envirement presented"
Guess what evolution is...
"im pretty sure our bodies would do something but i dont think we actually evovle"
Riddle me this: what do you think "evolve" means? Where do think these "adaptations" go? What do you think happens when you have many of them stack up?
Please, either take a Biology course or STFU.
GUYSSS i didnt come from a monkey.... - no. But we evolved from a monkey-like ancestor, over hundreds of generations. A textbook example of why simplifying important theories doesn't help.
you ever heard of....ADAM and ummm EVE? Helllllo they werent monkies , - or, you know, REAL.
i believe our bodies can ADAPT to the envirement presented , such as , another ice age - If you're thinking of the ice age you see in the media, where the whole world is covered in ice, then no. No we can't. Not quickly, anyway.
im pretty sure we would be pretty harry - Hello pretty harry.
and a bad heat wave im pretty sure our bodies would do something but i dont think we actually evovle, - I don't believe in respiration. Sure, i breathe in and out, and that helps me live, bu i don't respire.
i think our body can add more of or take less of in our genetics but not in evolution ^^ - what does that even mean?
To summarise, learn english, and try to understand what you're debating about.
It's spelled "Monkees".
GUYSSS i didnt come from a monkey...
Actually, I think this may have been written by one of those proverbial monkeys with the typewriters. They still haven't managed to type the complete works of Shakespeare yet, but for a monkey randomly banging on the keys, this is pretty intelligible. If a human had written this gibberish they would need to chastised and sent back to first grade, but pretty good for a monkey!
GUYSSS i didnt come from the Garden of ever heard of....Australopithecus Afarensis and ummm Homo Habilis ? Helllllo they werent monkies , i believe our bodies can ADAPT to the envirement presented , such as , another ice age im pretty sure we would be pretty harry and a bad heat wave im pretty sure our bodies would do something but i dont think we actually evovle , i think our body can add more of or take less of in our genetics but not in evolution ^^
pretty harry ~ Dirty Harry discovers Xanex, and his girlfriends lingerie.
And what you described is evolution. So basically you believe in evolution.
well if her english is anything to go by,im not suprised she still beielves in this garbage. stillthat is one thing the fundies do have.....ILITERACY!!
stil as they say quote scripture NOT logic
One, Adam and Eve come from a book which says, too, that snakes speak. And you have explained what evolution is.
"At the same time Jehovah created Adam, he created a woman, Lilith, who like Adam was taken from the earth. She was given to Adam as his wife."
AND ALSO, a perfect description of the process of EVOLUTION.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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