Faith trumps sight any day of the week --- twice over.
Care to take a challenge?
I hearby declare I will become a christian when you inject sulfuric acid into your eyeballs and walk from San Diego to L.A. in the middle lanes of the interstate. At night, wearing black. When your fruitcake savior miracle's your sorry ass all the way, I'll believe.
What's that? No way?
That's what I thought.
Hey, you just rear-ended me!
Nuh-uh, Jesus said you backed into me!
My car was in drive the whole time! In fact, my reverse is broken!
Jesus said so!
It's drive-by-wire! It shows I haven't reversed in two weeks!
So, a blind Av1611Vet and a seeing sane person come to the side of a cliff. The blind 'vet says 'I believe there is a bridge over this chasm!' The sane man responds 'There really isn't, you know.'
Av is enraged. 'Faith trumps sight!' he shouts, and proceeds to walk over the cliff, falling to a gruesome death.
The moral of this story is: Av1611Vet is an idiot.
Faith trumps sight any day of the week --- twice over.
Just imagine what kind of world we'd be living in if courts accepted this as a rule of evidence.
"Yes, your honor, we do have video of the defendant stabbing his wife. Yes, we have 12 eyewitnesses who report watching him stab his wife. Yes, sir, the police report does correctly state that the defendant said to the arresting officer, "I'm glad I stabbed my wife; the b**** deserved it!"
"Well, I'm going to disregard that evidence in favor of my hunch that the defendant just doesn't seem like that kind of guy. Case dismissed!"
Arguing with AV is a waste of time. He's basically, "the (KJV) Bible said it, I believe it, that settles it. Shut up."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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