Angels Will Destroy Tower of Babel (CERN) Again Confounding Man's Language(DNA+Seed Vault)
ISIS=Reappearance of Ancient Egyptian Deity=DAYS OF NOAH
(Look for Nimrod, Look for Seth, The Capstone Lurketh, Archaeologists are Being Disappeared along With Microbiologists)
Driven to Entertainment Mind-Death Distraction The ZOG Hollywood Satanic Symbolism Prevails (poor third eye is weepy not sleepy)
Non-Coding Sequences of DNA/GENES= One of the Two Witnesses
You Have a Message Written Inside of You....The Vibrations (Word or LOGOS) of Cymetics into The Cadduceus of your Cells/Atoms/Adam(Word Made into Flesh)
(what the Alchemists/Pagans/Meddlers found before the Theocracy-Run Gold-Hungry (see Columbus)Jesuit Inquisition Eradicated all who rebelled during the great Witchhunt/Gnostics go into hiding Derinkuyu)
Other Witness= Bible Code {Supercomputers and Torah}
(Available as an Inevitable Bi-product of the Post Industrial Revolution Nation-Merchant State and its Fancy Widgets and Toys)
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