TheOracle'sCookie #conspiracy
Is the Naming of "Mt. McKinley" to "Denali" an ANAGRAM? Why "Denial" is Important for September 2015!
This thread is presenting REAL, professionally researched information about a certain pyramid close to Mt. McKinley in Alaska (based on the 6-years research of respected Emmy-Winning documentary producer, Linda Molten Howe.) Please do NOT confuse this thread with the one at this link--we have TWO different "takes" on this issue!
Thread: Denali is the code for evacuation, prepare now!!! (Page 42)
You can find Ms. Howe's video on Page 1 post #2. There have been 3 threads up tonight (and I am sure more will be coming...) that claim there is "news that President Obama is traveling to Alaska, to a pyramid, in order to meet with Reptilian E.T.'s." THIS IS total B.S.--and most likely "damage control" to make the thread appear "lunatic fringe." It is NOT. At NO TIME on my thread have I mentioned Obama or anyone else meeting with E.T.'s and the only reference to "E.T."s at all is that the underground pyramid --FOUR TIMES the size of the Great Pyramid at Giza --is an "archeological discovery" sometime back in the 1940's, with research info breaking to the public sector around the year 1975. Whether or not there is "active E.T." associated with the pyramid --or activity in the region is just speculation. The only evidence I am providing on this thread is the 2012 video by Ms. Howe and I am NOT suggesting an "E.T. Contact" of any kind. I will up-date this thread as more information is available--IF EVER. Thanks for NOT MIS-QUOTING this information.
QUESTION: "...Did you feel THAT? What the hell was that, and earthquake? An asteroid hit? ANSWER: "...Oh, that? No, that was the Jaw- dropping reaction of 1,000's of Americans this weekend to President Obama's signing a Presidential "edict" that changes Mt. McKinley's name to "Denali." ...WHAT is he thinking?
There are several threads on the Forum today that are concerning President Obama's decision to rename the highest mountain peak on the North American continent, and a "proud American Symbol" of freedom (named after President McKinley in 1917) "Denali." Here are a couple of the GLP threads on the renaming: Thread: Denali is the code for evacuation, prepare now!!!
Thread: The Mountain will be named after ME - Denali is an anagram of Daniel
(Silly thread, but the reference to the "Book of Daniel" --a "doom prophesy" is an interesting "take!")
Thread: Breaking: Mount McKinley "officially" renamed Denali
Thread: Major Up-date Page 11: NASA: "Tsunami Energy-Waves" caught by Voyager 1 In-bound! Is This First Sign of "The Wave?" Video
(This is a thread I composed in December 2014...when NASA announced that "...An Energy Tsunami Wave had been detected by Voyager 1." It was later altered to report that the "waves" were from our sun, not in-bound.)
What is blatantly obvious to this that it is a simple ANAGRAM for a VERY important word we should all be thinking about as we go into the September "doom dates" we have been hearing so much about--it seems to be everywhere!
The ANAGRAM for "Denali" DENIAL.
The timing for this action for renaming one of America's long-held iconic mountains is interesting as well. Just last week, the Smithsonian Institute was accused of ..."destroying thousands of skeletons found in N.America of "GIANTS!" (By the way, "Denali" means "Great One" or could be translated as "Giant!")
Thread: Smithsonian Admits to Destruction of TENS of Thousands of Giant Human Skeletons in Early 1900s
Based on this article:
[link to (secure)]
(This is just ONE of dozens of archeological and mythological "proofs" that our TRUE history has been manipulated and given a huge "back story"...are we about to see this policy of "denial" changed?)
While this isn't "big news" to some that ONE example of our "manipulated HISTORY" has been proven (December announcement that Smithsonian has been ordered by the Supreme Court to disclose "archeological cover-ups") However, IF COMBINED WITH Obama's changing Mt. McKinley's name to "Denali" (as an anagram for "denial") does give one pause. Could Obama be "struggling against his so-called "handlers" give the American people a "heads-up" about some info about to be revealed, and using this clever timing and method (thru "Executive Privelege") to get his "message" out to the world? U DECIDE!