I hope this movie is big. If so, it might just open up the eyes of some of the masses who've been completely and totally dumbed down by the scientific community. If there's one thing ToE can't stand, it's an informed, educated public....a public that knows the whole story -- both sides -- not just one. As this documentary reveals, there's a very good reason why darwinists are so hostile towards creationists and IDists.....but I won't spoil it's in the clip.
Sure there's a very good reason. It's probably not the one you think it is, though.
On another note, since CARM requires signing in to view anything (or so it seems) and the YouTube link is truncated, could somebody here please post a link to the video?
If there's one thing ToE can't stand, it's an informed, educated public....a public that knows the whole story -- both sides -- not just one.
Wow, the irony, it melts.
Everyone knows some type of creation myth - and in America the most common myth is the Genesis account.
But what the "public" doesn't know much about, including supporters - is the Theory of Evolution.
So creationist have the advantage, despite the claims of this post.
Wow, i just lost all respect for Ben Stein- that dude gave my commencement speech, and now i'm actually hearing him say that evolution claims we're "piles of mud made by lightning?" How could such a cool, talented guy crib from scum like Kent Hovind?
God, this whole thing runs like there's this great scientific conspiracy to undermine creationists, and that the creationists are the "hip" and "rebellious" ones who know the real story that the scientific community is trying to silence.
Creationists are dismissed out of hand not because of some dogmatic adherence to Darwin, but because their claims have been demonstratably proven wrong thousands of times and have no tangible scientific knowledge to offer. All it is is whining that reality turned out to be different from their storybook, and they're too stubborn to face it.
I'm going to say it now: this movie will fail. Not miserably, but think about. What sort of people will be watching this? Likely people that have already made their minds up on the matter (and not in support of scientific fact).
There might be a few "darwinists" that see it, but that will probably be due to their ID-addled friends begging them to go to "see both sides."
Detrs: Unfortunately a good chunk of America HAS made up its mind about the matter. See: Creation Museum.
That being said, I'm fucking fed up of these people. The fact that it is growing and not diminishing in the American public does make me wonder what the scientific community is doing wrong.
That being said, what I get from the clip is that there are some things that the ToE does not explain that it's not meant to explain (like souls) therefore Creationism is right. As we said before, ToE and Creationism are not mutually exclusive, and since both are wrong, then the FSM must be correct.
Actually, ToE can't understand how you can't grasp, nay tolerate such a simple, sensible / sensical idea.
If there's one thing ToE can't stand, it's an informed, educated public...
Which usually means "pack of fundie idiots", so yes.
Another day, another irony meter.......
"....the masses who've been completely and totally dumbed down by the scientific community. If there's one thing ToE can't stand, it's an informed educated public.......
Best unintentional humor this side of Ann Coulter, assuming she's actually serious and not doing stand up.
"As this documentary reveals, there's a very good reason why darwinists are so hostile towards creationists and IDists"
I know I know!! It's because they are hostile to the science that makes the modern world so much better than the dark ages.
We think creationists are a load of wankers because they present the rather stupid hypothesis that a hypothetical super-natural entity created the entire universe, yet said super-natural entity doens't have a creator of it's own, and who's existence doens't require an explaination, as a scientific fact rather than the complete fabrication it really is.
Such scientific dishonesty gets up our noses quite a lot.
Watching this movie sounds like a bad fraternity initiation ritual.
"Okay, first one to vomit, cover their ears, or look away loses!"
Oh look. It's Stuporsquirt again.
See he's still peddling his vacuous garbage.
Strange how it's the educated people who accept evolutionary hypotheses as valid because those hypotheses are in accord with observational reality, whilst it's the ignorant dumbfucks who swallow creationism and the truly florid eructations of its arch-pornographers of ignorance ...
I couldn't help but notice that no proof was given for his theory. Maybe that's why people rejected his paper. You can write a paper about anything, but it means fuckall without any proof.
We're not living in some Orwellian society where we'll be silenced the wrong things. We just ask that if you're going to make up bullshit then you should at least prove it. There have been plenty of paradigm shifting ideas that we take seriously because there is significant evidence to suggest they might be true. For example recently we saw evidence that indicated neutrinos might travel faster than light. That goes against one of the most fundamental laws of physics, yet we're putting a lot of effort into investigating it because there was significant evidence towards it.
If someone can legitimately disprove darwinism then I ask them to present their evidence and then collect their Nobel prize. However, if you can't provide evidence then you can shut the fuck up.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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