I want to see liberals exerting a will to power. I want to see liberals using power to shape the world in the mold of their ideals. I want to see liberals completely crushing conservatism under their boots. I want to see that — no WE NEED to see that or else, climate change and environmental destruction will burn the planet out from under us all and nothing will matter.
That is what is at stake — the very survival of human civilization.
Trumptards - as well as Roy Less last year for the Religious Reich - are doing a perfectly good job of destroying themselves .
We're simply giving them enough socio-political rope to hang themselves . As this YT comment from 2017 proves...:
...so many Conservatives will aid in the Repubicans' destruction in just three months from now.
The ancient sages said, 'Evil must have Good to feed upon. And then destroys itself .'
-"The Water Margin"
@Man Called True
And there we go, with the false equivalency...
There really is no equivalency when one side wants people to fucking live as they please and cooperate with each other and not fuck right into others personal space and the other sees the entirety of our species as a hive with replacable worker drones and the figureheads which must be protected at any cost to the cognitive dissonance or straight up insanity, since the hive must and will be managed whether the drones like it or not. You cannot equate occasional bursts of utter naivetee with actual, deliberate manipulative behaviour which seeks to socially or if they could physically control others to their established herd procedures.
Honestly, this quote is fucking dumb but what it highlights is actually pretty true. There needs to be something done to wrestle the wrold from the cluthes of old fucktards living in penthouses and mansions, already buying out super luxury bunkers cause they know perfectly well what they do and how it ends.
Also your last sentence, it`s an opinion, yet you tout it as if it`s a fact.
I kind of agree with this - although if we were doing any crushing we would cease to be liberals by default.
@ Man Called True
The right-wing equivalent would be
"I want to see conservatives exerting a will to power. I want to see conservatives using power to shape the world in the mold of their ideals. I want to see conservatives completely crushing liberals under their boots. I want to see that no WE NEED to see that or else, the Wrath of the Lamb of God will burn the planet out from under us all and nothing will matter."
"I want to see the alt-right exerting a will to power. I want to see the alt-right using power to shape the world in the mold of their ideals. I want to see the alt-right completely crushing cucks under their boots. I want to see that no WE NEED to see that or else, the subhuman hordes will outbreed the planet out from under us all and nothing will matter."
Both of these rely on a false equivalency. The apocalypse as fundie Christians (who only consider themselves 'conservative') imagine it is the wrath of their deity based on a disputed interpretation of their religious text. As alt-morons imagine it, it is the extinction of white people. By contrast, the prospect of environmental disaster is scientifically valid and has been shown to already be happening.
@ Man Called True:
You can't just switch the roles here and have the quote make sense, because US-style conservatism (which is obviously what's being referred to here) really does have a serious issue with climate change denial and with policies that promote environmental degradation. The left (which is, again, obviously what they mean by "liberals") does not, at least in the developed world and at least not to the same extent. You have to change things entirely if you want it to make sense.
If this person were raving about the need to crush people who support same-sex marriage or a stronger social safety net, then that would be a radically different comment. Of fucking course people would respond differently.
Maybe this is a little fundie, but not really. It is true, though, that we need to implement liberal policies before global climate change destroys the planet. Latest word is that we have until about 2035 before it's too late, and yet we still have conservatives insisting that climate change isn't real.
But conservatism is destroying itself. I said during the 2016 election that if Trump wins, it would be the worst thing to ever happen to the Republican Party.
No. Conservatism is, when sane, merely a counterbalance to Liberalism. Part of the problem, as I perceive it, is that the US is hampered by a two-party system. The only thing worse is a one-party system no matter which party. It's extreme.
It's not a false equivalency to point out that a glut of unchecked power is poison to Republican and Democrat alike.
@The Angry Dybbuk
Very well said
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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