Anonymous #conspiracy

Pfffft NO! Do you honest think that if she got away scott free the last 3 or 4 times that this time will be any different? She is a political figure head she controls the law. Regardless of who is president she will not be touched. Which is honestly quite sad.

But it is the truth Hillary Clinton is a well known criminal she should have went to jail for her first E-mail investigation, but because Obama, Loretta Lynch and James Comey all had say over the law she was set free of charge.

Even if Donald Trump now has the ability to get investigators onto her "case" there has to be a good reason for and since she's been investigated multiple times it's gonna be hard to actually dig up any dirt on her since as you should expect the FBI in the final week of the election decided to "Investigate" her one last time to likely delete all possible evidence since they knew all to well that Donald Trump was going to win.

So the whole week may have seemed like Clinton's down fall, but it wasn't, she was a failed candidate from the start, she was placed as the democratic nominee just because she paid some people off threatened people and silenced everyone, no one way buying it and she lost and she knew she was going to lose before they even began tallying up the votes, hence why she cancelled the firework show in New York.

She isn't going anywhere and it's not because she is innocent.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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