[Re. a comedy video that the GLPer's say advocates "white genoicde"]
First you have to recognize that this is Jews directing a message at blacks. That is why rap music is used.
Since we know that Jews talking to blacks mean 'lying', we have to:
1. recognize the lie. (the White man is a dying breed).
2. understand the purpose of the lie. to engender hatred toward the white man in order to create class division and hatred needed to further marxism.
We shouldn't become upset at these things, we should do exactly what we did, and soon Europe will be doing. Stand up to the New World Order Internationalist Jewish Conspiracy, and re-establish White European rule of law.
In the United States we need to modify the US Constitution to
1. End Anchor Babies.
2. End the US of taxpayer money to support non-Americans.
3. End Government schools.
4. End Group privileges / Group laws that codify anti-white discrimination and are a denial of the basic 'equal protection under the law'.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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