Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Do you know the akashic records?

Do you also understand the energy being built up for the purpose of this summoning? In hollyweird, the celebrities and porno all the behavior and activity going on around the world. This is energy that is being fed and only when it's too late will people realize what has transpired right under our noses. The other side knows exactly what's happening, it's this side that is ignorant. Ironically we are the other side because we let it be so because it is in us, but also it is displaced because it has not the access to do as it will entirely. The portal will allow it to no longer be displaced but to manifest completely into this world as one. The prophecy of the dark sky is not a lie. You want to know why their are zombie movies? Only when it's too late will people realize that the 'walking dead' was not just entertainment that it was as well part of a prophetic ritual for when the portal is opened. No but people arrogantly prefer to look forward with blind eyes and ignorance. IT's not my problem. Even the bible says that we will be mocked. IT happened time and time again. You will see and you should know.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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