Yet Another Opportunity for the First White Al Sharpton
The institutional anti-white racism that characterizes our society is even worse among government authorities than it is in the local media, to judge by this story from liberal Saint Paul[...]
National media is of course another matter. That’s why the epidemic of black on white mob violence is only reported at the local level.
Hopefully this will convince a few more people that the notion of “hate crimes” is absurd, will never be applied fairly, and is an assault on the fundamental concept of equality before the law.
Saint Paul residents had better get used to public violence. Our moonbat rulers have been importing welfare colonists from savage Somalia by the tens of thousands and settling them in the Twin Cities area. Already Minneapolis has produced an ultra-left Muslim congressman (Keith Ellison), and al Qaeda recruits in the area. The peaceful streets of the past will soon become a fading memory, like faith in the future.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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