@ Troy who is masquerading as The L
"Don't worry about who God is yet or even if He exists,"
I don't
"...just realize the universe needs a cause and can't come from nothing."
Why not? What makes you such an expert? And, for the thousandth time why should we apply this notion to the universe and not to your god?
"Let me know if you have reached that point yet."
Don't patronize me Troy.
"If you were to find a cause for radioactive decay or whatever, you would still say something else could happen all by itself."
And you point here is...? I mean, science always provides you with more questions to be answered. Religion may provide final answers, but they are meaningless answers, so why bother?
"Are you like a 3 year old?"
I said don't patronize me.
"There is observably proven trillions of causes in nature and no hard evidence something (in nature) comes from that which does not exist."
That doesn;t prove god. It only means that there are more questions to be answered. An inquisitive mind embraces this fact. I dull mind hides its face in the corner and screams for an easy answer. that is all your god is, an easy answer to soothe your fears.
"Why shut your mind down to this fact?"
See my above response and tell me who is shutting their mind.
"Why don't you like fact-based overwhelming preponderance of evidence that is beyond a reasonable doubt?"
I do, that is why I reject your god. Your god is a supernatural entity and thus incapable of being examined by natural evidence.
"e.g. throwing a baseball. Try it out, throw a baseball."
And that would prove what now?
"Why do you need to know all things to know if the universe requires a cause?"
Who the @#$! said that?
"That's stupid."
I agree. Why did you bring it up?
"Stop avoiding the question. Only God could know all things."
Why should I assume that god exists? Your screed begins by telling me not to think about him.
"You make yourself out to be God then."
Your god does not exist. if I am wrong, then show me your god.
"How obnoxious and pompous!"
But spamming this stupid screed on every thread you can find isn't? You've got some weird ideas of those words mean.
"You don't care about logic do you?"
Do you even know what that word "Logic" means? Your screed does not suggest that you do.