We are free to worship and proselytize as we see fit per the Constitution:
"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF".
This has always been the rule of the land until the 60's when people like you began to interject your religious beliefs of atheism and evolutionism into our society. You have been successful in tricking people about the meaning of our laws and our history while penetrating and brainwashing people's minds with your brand of naturalistic religion and hatred of other's "supernaturalistic" religion.
The Bible and our Bible-based belief system has now been replaced with Origins of the Species and naturalism, both part of YOUR religion.
Rather old and not very original talking points.
1. "We are free to worship and proselytize as we see fit per the Constitution."
That is correct if that was all fundies did. However you and your ilk think that means you're allowed to turn our Constitutonal Republic into a Christian Theocracy which you can't do as per the Constitution. I direct you to Article 6.
2. "...when people like you began to interject your relgious beliefs of atheism and evolutionism inot our society."
You are incorrect. Atheism is not a religion nor has anyone been forced to become an atheist. Note how that is different from fundies efforts. Evolution is a branch of biology, it is a science not a religion.
Free exercise means in appropriate places, not publidc venues. The system of governance in the US is not Bible-based. Atheism isn't a religion. Naturalism isn't a religion. Evolution isn't a religion. If you don't know what you're talking about, why should anyone listen to you?
Interesting. You interpret the Constitution as meaning that the free expression of Christianity is protected, but the free expression of any other religion is not? So I guess you are taking the fundie approach that only Christianity qualifies as a "religion" and everything else is "hate speech" against that "true" religion.
You and my cat share the same name. My cat is far smarter than you, and he licks his own ass as a hobby.
anti-nonsense, you are absolutely correct in stating that evolution is not a religious belief, but atheism, being a belief about religious matters, is a "religious belief" (or perhaps a better way of expressing it would be a "religious stance," since it is a belief based on logic and reason rather than faith). What atheism isn't is a "religion." It's just too damn bad that most fundies don't know the difference.
I went on them new fangled interwebs and found two things wrong with this:
1) Evolutionism dosn't exist. The Theory of Evolution is a scientific theory that descripes the history of life and has no say over moral of ethical or even religious views.
2) Humanism isn't taught in schools. It's a philosphy regarding ethics, justice, and the law and is on of the foudning principles of the Constitution.
Worship yes. Proselytizing infringes on the right of OTHERS to NOT practice the same religion as you.
It also means that THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT TO BE INFLUENCED BY RELIGIOUS BELIEF, no matter how delusional, numerous or xenophobic its followers may be!
Atheism and evolution are not religions no matter how many times you try to make that claim.
One, just for once, get straight the fact that Evolution is a scientific theory, not a religion. And second, that part of the constitution applies to atheists too. Your right to practice your religion ends where the right of the others begin and that implies not forcing your beliefs into others.
Anyone can worship and proselytize to their heart's content. What they can't do is proselytize on other peoples' property or support it with other peoples' money without their consent.
The Supreme Court, in Epperson v Arkansas (1968), has already ruled that the teaching of evolution can't be banned; so as far as banning the teaching of evolution because it's also a "religion", that battle has already been lost.
what amazes me it´s that they see that there is, in effect, a separation between church and state, they see the statement correctly quoted and, though, they keep on telling that they´re persecuted. Can´t they think that respecting one´s religion doesn´t mean favoritism or putting other religions down?, that atheists are benefited too of this clause?, that freedom of religion ends when it´s imposed?
The Bible and our Bible-based belief system has now been replaced
Really? When did that happen and why can't I see any evidence of it?
You are indeed free to worship however you want, as long as the exercice of your delusion doesn't include illegal activities. As for proselitizing, you can do it, as long as you stop when people tell you "sod off, I'm not interested in what you're selling."
And you should really learn to recognize whether something is a religion/religious or not (hint: most things are not).
"Boy howdy, I'll tell you what. Used to be a guy would get plastered on Wild Turkey, go out and beat a couple of hippies and it was no big deal!
Nowadays you've got these dirty punk hippie-witches with their Darwin religions, and naturalisms, and, and, their 'rumble-seats' and their Dan Folgelberg albums. Bah!
Hey. HEY! You kids don't even think about riding those velocipedes across my yard, dad-gummit, I'll fetch me my switch and give you both a what-for!"
If your religion is so great, mickey, how did atheism and evolutionism get to be so successful? Maybe atheists and evolutionists are a lot smarter than you, or maybe you're full of shit. You decide.
While I truly believe that religious faith is the most dangerous thing in the world, I do recognize your right to be faithful. You can advertsie your faith in any way you see fit, including coming to my door, nothing illegal about that. Stupid, but not illegal.
My problem is that you and your kind are trying to usurp govermental agencies in your quest to proselytize. That is where me and my kind have problems with douchebags like yourself.
calling atheism your religion is like calling uncooked bread toast. it just doesnt work like that. you cant piously believe that there is no god.
asking that you not be allowed to throw your religion in our faces every hour of every day is not a crime. far from it. all we ask is that people keep their beliefs to themselves, and not get VIOLENTLY ANGRY when someone has an opposing viewpoint. most atheists will politely listen to your spiel the first time, as long as you arent threatening them with brimstone and hellfire, and are civily discussing your beliefs. after that it becomes extremely aggravating and exhausting. we want nothing more than peace.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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