No I have no plans to read any more science than I absolutely have to. Science is a sham and does not even come close to explaining anything about reality. I get my wisdom from other sources. Life, including biology, is nonscientific.
Wisdom? What wisdom?
And whose reality?
Science: noun. Latin for Truth. Hense scientific- truth-based, or scientist; person involved in the search for truth.
Science is a sham and does not even come close to explaining anything about reality.
Truth is a sham and doesn't come close to explaining reality...
Life, including biology, is nonscientific."
Life, including biology is non-truthful (its unscientific asshole).
I get my wisdom from other sources.
Like non-truth?
LOL! Post of the week if nothing else.
Anything with the suffix 'ology' means the study of (aka science). You fail at english too.
Well, is supposed to be the study of, at least. There are a few impostors like scientology.
Post of the Week seconded.
"Science is false, evidence is wrong, nothing is true! Fantasies are truth, ignorance is wisdom! I am a donut!"
SuperSport, translated.
Huh, ok then. Get rid of all your clothes (as science in one form or another has allowed them to be made), relinquish all possessions and go and sit in a field of grass until you die. That is a truly science free life (as biology involves eating, drinking and breathing).
Super'Tard is absolutelty right. Science is totally bogus! Penicillin doesn't cure bacterial infections, silly! And this whole "earth revolves around the sun" is pure satanic BS invented by the likes of Copernicus; we know that the sun turns around the earth, which is suspended on the back of a giant turtle. Computer "science" is the biggest deception ever. All that binary and networking and junk is false: it's only what the communistic gay atheists want you to believe so you don't discover the truth, that's it's all just witchcraft.
Science is a sham and does not even come close to explaining anything about reality.
Well, sure, except for the bit about how to stop infections using antibiotics, how to keep people alive during surgery while eliminating or greatly reducing their pain during and after, how to reattach severed limbs and perform organ transplants...
...oh, and the computer he's using, which was developed from transistors that were originally designed by physicists...
...not to mention, the metal alloys in the car he drives, which were designed by automotive engineers and metallurgists, and the high-strength polymers in virtually everything everything we used today that were originally created by legions of chemists in laboratories.
Nope. Except for those and about a billion other things, science hasn't done a damned thing, ever.
In conclusion, Supersport is quite possibly the dumbest fucker
on Earth.
"No I have no plans to read any more religion than I absolutely have to. Religion is a sham and does not even come close to explaining anything about reality. I get my wisdom from other sources. Life, including biology, is scientific." - There. Fixed
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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