Interestingly, evolutionary atheists find it difficult to deal with the fact that an EVENT either occurred or did not occur. For example, Jesus walking on water. It either 1) occurred 2) did not occur
If it did not occur, then gospel writers either 1) lied 2) hallucinated
However a difficulty with 2) is that mass hallucinations not possible. So this leaves you with option 1) i.e. gospel writers lied.
The other option is that the walking on water did occur. I believe this.
There is no scope for evolution from nothing here. Clear logical reasoning shows these as the possibilities.
In another thread, one guy denied Jesus ever existed. That is a convenient way out. But that still implies gospel writers lied.And historical evidence destroys the claim Jesus never existed- I wonder what other historical figures that poster denies, and why?
Repeat. But anyway, the evidence for Jesus is historical(and ambigious). That he is the son of God is something that you have to believe. Besides, if you say, I believe this, you're debunking your thesis. Believe it or not, that Jesus walked in the water is only believed by 20% of the humankind at its best. Why wouldn't be equally valid to believe in Sleepnir as the cause of storms?, or that Athena guided Achilles?. In which way do they discredit evolution?
Mass hallucinations are possible.
Mistaken beliefs are possible.
Exaggerations are possible.
Misremembering is possible.
Outright lying is possible.
Yes, either an event did or did not occur.
No, it is rarely ever just two possible explanations for an event when it comes to issues involving human beings. Learn something about these complicated creatures, for God's sake.
Also: what reliable historical evidence aside from the Gospels themselves are there for Jesus? It's rather slim pickings.
First, mass hallucinations DO exist. For example, visitors to places of pilgrimage regularly report miracles when they returned home, when in reality nothing happened there. Don't underestimate the effect of mass hysteries combined with wishful thinking and social pressure.
Second, there is another explanation what the gospel writers did: They took artistic freedom to boast their stories. They didn't lie. They simply wrote fictional stories.
Your lack of imagination is staggering.
3) Perhaps Jesus was a stage magician and the walking on water bit was an illusion.
4) Perhaps the walking on water myth came from another god. Some one accidentally or intentionally attributed it to Jesus. The story was passed around by word of mouth until the gospel writer (who was writing many years after Jesus is said to have died and thus could not have confirmed the event with him) inserted it in his story believing it to be true
5) The story was not originally in the gospel but was inserted by a later transcriber with a vivid imagination
And that's just off the top of my head.
If mass hallucination is impossible, explain why other religions exist. They have the exact same evidentiary basis that Chistianity does- that is, none whatsoever.
Furthermore, people lie. Ask L. Ron Hubbard or John Smith or Mohammed. Big fucking deal.
creationist atheists also have to deal with the fact that an event either happened or it did not. The evoutionery beliefs or not of a person does not change if an event is true or false.
Gospel writers may have been misinformed or mistaken. Magicians use mass deception all the time. A room full of people who saw an elephant disappear are not lieing, they just did not see what they thought they saw.
What historical evidence exists for Jesus ?
The third possibility is never mentioned. No it's not remotely as black and white as that.
The Bibles story of Jesus is a piece of ancient fiction plagarized from earlier myths. This is provable.
When we say we doubt Jesus ever existed, that he certainly wasn't the son of a God and that we don't believe the Bibles stories,,, Why do you people think the witnesses described in the same stories carry any weight?
It's a story, it never happened.
Did Mohammed lie, or did God talk to him? There is much more historical evidence for his existence, than there is for the Gospel writers, perhaps because he allegedly lived more recently.
There is no historical evidence for the existence of Jesus.
We also deny the existence of Odin, Zeus, Quetzalcoatl, Poseidon, Freya, Athena, etc. Because there is no evidence for their existence anywhere outside the holy texts.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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