[only ones of the many gems on the site]
evolutionists claim that the earth was originally just a rock moving through the universe. Somehow they expect us to believe that an atmosphere just miraculously formed over the earth, plants grew, and life formed over BILLIONS of years. They expect us to believe that humans (highly intelligent beings) evolved from primitive life forms, such as giraffes.
"atmosphere just miraculously formed over the earth "
And the "still not getting it" award goes to...
There was nothing 'miraculous' about it. That's the point!
Not to mention the fact that that has nothing to do with evolution anyway.
And yes, humans evolved from primitive life forms. The universe is not obligated to be believable.
"evolutionists claim that the earth was originally just a rock moving through the universe."
I can safely say that I know of nobody who says this.
"Somehow they expect us to believe that an atmosphere just miraculously formed over the earth, plants grew, and life formed over BILLIONS of years."
Physics explains both the formation of the Earth and our atmosphere. Biology takes care of how plants grow and is currently working on the early stages of understanding how life began. You need to build a stronger straw man if you're going to keep beating on it like that.
"They expect us to believe that humans (highly intelligent beings) evolved from primitive life forms, such as giraffes."
Well, that's a new one to me. Usually it's "monkeys" or, for the particularly stupid, we came from "rocks" and such. I have to admit that your Giraffe variation is highly amusing. Perhaps you'll win some sort of creationist award for most creative straw man.
Oh yeah? Then why are there still rocks? HA! Just kidding :)
Anyway, I don't see why they have such a problem with life forming over billions of years with 100% natural causes and yet are happy as clams to say it was magically poofed into existence in just a few days.
[...] miraculously [...]
Sorry. Wrong department.
evolutionists claim that the earth was originally just a rock moving through the universe.
One sentence in and already you've failed. The Earth, along with all the other celestial bodies in the solar system formed from the left over debris when the Sun formed. And finally the supporters of evolution don't make this claim, astrologers do.
Yeah, and what about these people that think people have babies through their naughty bits, as opposed to the stork bringing them? I mean a baby through a vagina? That's like blowing a watermelon through your nose! I mean seriously...
mehow they expect us to believe that an atmosphere just miraculously formed over the earth
Are you certain you want to associate the concepts of 'miracle' and 'impossibility'?
Just asking, 'cause I do.
A steaming pile of fail, lying on a sidewalk, on a cold winter's night.
Giraffes are much more intelligent than you are, asshat.
1. The earth is a rock moving through the universe.
2. Miracles are you're department. We rely on facts.
3. Humans are one of the great apes. We evolved from a common ancestor along with gorillas and chimps. Giraffes split off on a different branch long ago.
evolutionists claim that the earth was originally just a rock moving through the universe.
No, you claim that evolutionist say this. They don't.
I don't expect you to "BELIEVE that an atmosphere just miraculously formed over the earth, plants grew, and life formed over BILLIONS of years" I expect you to UNDERSTAND how that happened.
Create rhetoric logic traps much? Stop using the word believe.
Any kid can see that Humans and Giraffes are completely unrelated, you're not pointing out how rediculous evolution is by comparing using giraffes instead of apes, you're just pointing out you're ignorance.
"evolutionists claim that the earth was originally just a rock moving through the universe"
Wrong. You are confusing evolution with cosmology. And our planet mostly composed out of molten rock.
"Somehow they expect us to believe that an atmosphere just miraculously formed over the earth, plants grew, and life formed over BILLIONS of years. "
Yes. that's the general idea, although there's nothing miraculous about it. And that would be the domain of molecular biologist.
"They expect us to believe that humans (highly intelligent beings) evolved from primitive life forms, such as giraffes. "
Since when are giraffes considered primitive life forms?!
Bah, why do I even bother? These people choose to stay ignorant.
It still is a rock moving through the universe. An interesting rock but a rock nonetheless.
Atmosphere - Held in place by Gravity. Remember... Jupiter is mainly "atmosphere"... Its not unique in that respect.
Plants grew - Plants evolve too. They are living beings. Just look at the difference between wild rice and our tame rice... Not only do the seeds differ in size... but tame rice suffers from a genetic disorder which makes it useful to humans (it does not shed its seeds like wild rice) So while utterly useless in surviving in the wild, it has a symbiotic relationship with humans who ensure that it survives no matter what.
Humans (highly Intelligent) - You wouldn't guess from listening to your baloney. Particularly "primitive life forms such as giraffes"... We shared an ancestor with "giraffes". It was a long long time ago... Its baby steps not superman leaps.
Remember, having a car and a superiority complex does not make you a superior species in terms of evolution. Evolution does not care about your intelligence, merely your propensity to survive. Intelligence helps you out since it gives you the ability to hunt and plan and make stuff to counteract. That is why we are superior species. Not because of skyscrapers and cars. But because we can adapt.
When giraffes were primitive -
Oh, before God painted on the spots. Now that's a complicated pattern there. A Miracle!
Jesus Fucking Herbert M. Christ
1, the condensation of particles in space (both solid and gaseous) formed the earth, and the solids sank down further
2, we did not evolve FROM giraffes, but based on the similarities in the skeletons, we do have a common ancestor, in fact, all mammals (having similar skeletons) have a common ancestor
I have to admit, I must be highly uneducated. I've never thought I evolved from a primitive giraffe. I have to say though, if I did, I am very jealous that I didn't keep the genes for the long neck. It would be so cool to peer over fences without having to stand on something.
That's bizarre, seeing that giraffes are probably amongst the best examples for evolution. Your food grows relatively high up... now, if evolution is true, what would natural selection result in? Huh? Long legs and necks, perchance?
Jesus! The only reason people like Daveyboy are still alive, is that they are too incompetent to even shoot themselves in the foot...
@Evilutionist: http://lolgiraffes.ytmnd.com :-)
Ah, so the human evolutionary chain goes;
Simple cells > Fish > Amphibians > Synapsids > Mammals > Primates > Giraffes > Humans
Thanks for clearing that up for us.
Somehow they expect us to believe that everything just popped into existence at the command of an invisible dude in the sky, and that there were talking snakes and global floods a-plenty. They expect us to believe that some guy who claimed to be his own father resurrected himself from the dead and is coming back "soon" to take everyone, who believes that particular event happened, to his shiny castle in the sky.
(Also, I was unaware that giraffes were primitive life forms. This quote is chock-full of what-the-fuck-ery.)
But, but, but...
If we evolved from giraffes, how come there are still giraffes?
Here was me thinking we evolved from homo habilus or something...
And you expect ME to believe that there was this invisible almighty entity that just waved his hands and in doing so created the entire world? Oh and get this - his offspring could walk on water AND turn that very same water into wine.
Who's the crazy one here?
Creationists claim that the earth was originally formless and void. Somehow they expect us to believe that a magic sky daddy miraculously spoke a word and made the earth, light formed before the sun, and plants grew before the sun was made. They expect us to believe that magic sky daddy made a human (highly intelligent being) from dirt.
ignoring how wrong your knowledge of evo is.
lets look at your side.
you think a magical being just poofed us the galaxy into existence 6000 ish years ago.
that your invisible friend made us from dirt. and that being just so happened to always exist?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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