[Jose asserts that hip hop promotes violence; another user points out that even the Bible promotes violence.]
I'd expect this kind of BS at wikipedia, but not here. If you want to deliberately skewer and censor the facts to make it seem like rap is wholesome Christian music, you are free to do so, but I will have no part of it. The fact that you are so eager to defend perverted artforms such as Heavy Metal and Rap makes me think you yourself indulge in the sinful past-time. You cannot be a man of god and listen to these abominations. Light and darkness simply do not mix. And to compare the violence in hip hop to the Bible is simply disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself. Violence in the Bible is justified while in Hip Hop it is always committed over trivial things (such as "hos" and "bitches") Maybe you are one of these "hos" or "bitches" that all the rappers are killing each other over. Such a comparison to the bible should really make you question how genuine your faith in God truly is and you should possibly inquire about a move to wikipedia where your lack of faith will be greeted with open arms and legs. I will not be contributing here anymore as long as you censor legitimate facts and slander the Bible.
- Sincerely Jose83
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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