People need to wake up. Any gay education in the schools, is the the base from which gays hope to recruit more people into their lifestyles.
1. Homosexuals are not the Borg. They are not trying to assimilate us.
2. There is no "gay education" going on, retard. I had a gay teacher once, but he wasn't by any means obvious about it. And you know what? He was an awesome teacher. But he got fired when I was in 11th grade because a bunch of idiot parents thought he'd "infect" their kids with t3h ghey.
Yeah, damn those stupid faggots going door to door trying to recruit our kids, how fucking dare they!?
Oh wait, that's not what homosexuals do, that's what religious people do. Fucking hypocrites.
Gay's don't recruit. You cannot change one's sexual orintaion, it is something they are born with. The only thing these people would teach children is the truth: that gays are people just like them
But you don't want that, do you? The problem is you are constantly looking for people to hate. You are violating God's word more then they are.
So why aren't you straights recruiting too?
This 'recruiting' canard needs to be answered. It implies there is a choice in one's sexuality. There may be a choice of partner open to bisexuals, but to gays there is none. And if straights are honest about their revulsion in respect of homosexuality, then there is none for them either. So the argument is mere chimaera.
How ironic that Christians, the ultimate "recruiters," think that gays are the ones recruiting! Gays just want tolerance and equality. They are also aware that no amount of brainwashing can change sexual orientation, so why would they even try?
erin: Actually, it makes perfect sense that they would think this. Remember, fundies have been taught that if you believe something is right, you should do your damnedest to convince everybody. According to their own mindset, everybody is trying to convert everybody else into *something.*
By that logic, you should support sex education as early as possible, which instructs kids how heterosexual sex works.
Except...wait. Oh, I see. You didn't actually use the logical thought processes God gave you, did you?
"the base from which gays hope to recruit more people into their lifestyles."
tell kids that being gay isn't evil,and won't turn them into paedophiles, and won't lead them into a life of sadness, madness, and despair
People need to wake up. Any Christian education in the schools, is the the base from which Christians hope to recruit more people into their lifestyles.
I would say 'fixed' but in the UK with the trend to open new State linked 'Faith Schools' it's sadly as true as it's always been.
Having said that, some 'Faith Schools' are Islamic but nominally 'open to all'. Hands up any secular (or Christian/Jewish/Mormon/Buddhist/Hindu etc) parent who would send their kids for an Islamic education.
I wish I was t3h ghey, 'cause they usually make more money, have cool careers, and seem happier and better adjusted.
^^^Not sarcasm^^^
"I think the vast majority of kids won't be gay but will be more open minded about trying it because, as you said, it will seem natural to them. In that way they are recruiting."
These people have no idea what recruiting is, apparently...
Gays do not try to recruit more gays...but Christians try to recruit more Christians, even if the would-be recruitee in question wants no part of the fundie or his/her religious dogma.
Sexuality is genetic. Religion is a preference. So who needs to wake up, now?
Don't know why, but this reminded me of Michael Gambon telling a gullible reporter that he used to be gay but gave it up because it made his eyes water.
I bet they don't teach that in sex-ed.
No one is coming into schools trying to recrute children into being gay.
I would be more worried about the army recruters than the gays. I remember an army sniper coming to my high school once to encourage us to join the army. Good thing I have a cousin in the army who told me about some the crazy things that happened in the war, or else I would have signed up in a flash.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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