If being gay is natural, why the fuck animals are not gay? Maybe animals have more sense than some humans..?
(Homosexual behaviour happens in many many animal species.)
I have never heard of that. I guess gay people? are raising there animals to be like them.....
just because you never heard of it doesnt mean it doesnt exist...i only found out about people who have a sexual fantasies involving plants that produce painful or irritating substance. even though i had never heard of it, there were pictures and this proves that it exists..although my innocence no longer does :(
Obviously these gays were very successful with the training.
They even trained a whole species of apes (Bonobos) not only in widespread homosexual behavior, but also in having a "society" where the women dominate over the men.
A society that is much more peaceful btw. than the society of other (male dominated) apes, including humans ;)
I just love seeing how they react when they actually believe the evidence of animal homosexuality.
It scares me the ones who ignore factual evidence of such things just because they don't like them. Makes me worry for our species. ;_;
Yes...loads of 'fabulous' game wardens, biologists, zoo keepers and zoologists are running rampant!! They must be stopped before the zebras turn their eye to redecorating the african savannah into their own perverted vision of tastefulness. Geez, are people really this stupid?
Animals are gay. I've got a dog that is bi (neutered too). Hell he even masturbates (sits in the middle of the yard and air-humps) and he 'loves' his pillow. At doggy daycare they end up with male conga lines on a fairly regular basis.
Gay's are raising gulls to be like them? Giraffes? Penguins? There's gay expeditions to the antarctic to brainwash penguins?
Of course! All those wild animals that scientists have seen engaging in homosexual behavior, they were all actually tame animals that belonged to homosexuals and were trained to be gay, then released into the wild!
Learn to do some basic research, dumbass.
To the commenter called "Eden". You took the words right out of my mouth! I was gonna say the same about those loveable little Bonobos & their peace-loving, communal, matriarchal, free-lovin' ways. Thank you, "Eden", I agree. To "Methex", you are a dork. What also makes me giggle is that you drop the "F-Bomb" so easily. Gee, I thought "real Christians" didn't cuss like that. Hypocrites! Guys like you make Jesus cry, really. He taught us to love one another & treat others the way we wish to be treated & to not wrongly judge people. I pity you for your ignorance & I hope and pray that you snap out of it & do real Christian stuff....like charity, kindness, good deeds, social justice, feeding the the hungry, clothing the naked, healing the sick, turning the other cheek, etc.
Yes, the many gay people who keep bonobos and male lions and hyenas-oh god, the hyenas- as pets, training them to be gay for Scooby Snacks.
How can anything be this stupid and not be a rock or something?
@Poppy Pomfrey
"Go fuck your mother, sister or brother"
I would imagine for this guy, that's all one person.
Who said that animals are not "gay", you fucking moron? Homosexual behaviour has been observed in any number of species.
Homophobia, on the other hand, has only been observed in one.
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