I've done threads on CERN elsewhere. CERN - the acronym used to be OERN. That's an anagram for NERO. NERO in Germatria is, of course, 666. CERN's logo looks like 666. They have a statue of Shiva, the destroyer of worlds, outside of their facility. Many speculate that the current blood moon cycle puts us on track for the tribulation, or end of days. CERN's restart in March falls within this time-frame.
In addition, according to their website, 2015 is the "International Year of Light".
Who is "The Light-Bearer", the "Morning Star".
Who posses the "Key to the Bottomless Pit"?
Will CERN open it up this year, allowing who knows what in, or who knows what kind of destruction out?
The clock is ticking...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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