fsdt is a communist cesspoll of far left liberals and other satanic worshipping people who enjoy nothing more than hurting the otherwise good image of Religious people who wish nothing more than to speak the truth. You can address my points here, but submiting my ideas to that fascist website does nothing more than raise a white flag of "I surrender, because I refuse to address the content of what you said". Please, take off your fantasy helmet for just a few moments and look over what I have said.
We aren't communist, and we don't worship any god, much less satan. You don't speak the truth, and all we do is ensure that everyone knows it. As for addressing the content of your posts, well, I'm doing that now, and if you actually look at the comments for your posts, you will note that Papabear and others have probably deconstructed them quite thoroughly. That said, you're full of shit.
Atheists don't worship the precious imaginary, invisible cartoon characters with whom you are so obsessed. We're not into 'hurting your image,' every fundy is posted in their own words and manages to do that quite nicely all by themselves, as you have above with your lies and ignorance.
Actually, I'm a libertarian. I'm probably more "right" on economics than this idiot, too. :)
Also, there's nothing wrong with submitting to fstdt and destroying stupid fundie arguments in the thread itself. Something I've unfortunately had a lot of practice with.
So, if you're not saying anything to hurt your image, how would us reposting what you say hurt it?
But then, you ARE a dumbass, so I suppose making your statements widely known would make you look pretty bad, huh?
'fsdt is a communist cesspoll of far left liberals'
Communist? I'm a social democrat, thank you very much. And odds are that your beliefs on the government and economy are more liberal than mine. Go learn something about the definition of 'liberal', PLEASE.
'and other satanic worshipping people'
Firstly, communists and those on the far left do not necessarily worship Satan. In fact, the vast majority don't. Stop accusing all the people who adhere to ideologies you don't like of worshipping Satan.
Secondly, I'm a Christian. I didn't know we worshipped Satan. Oh, wait, I'm probably too unorthodox and "liberal" for you. Not my fault that I actually put effort into trying to understand the Bible in its proper context while you just misinterpret everything and enjoy being a hatemonger.
'who enjoy nothing more than hurting the otherwise good image of Religious people who wish nothing more than to speak the truth.'
I do not wish to hurt the image of good religious people who wish nothing more than to speak the truth. You are not one of those people. You, like the rest of your fundie ilk, are a delusional, idiotic, asinine fuckwit whose worthless comments deserve to be picked apart, debunked, and then flushed down the toilet.
'You can address my points here'
I'd rather do it here. The other posters here actually have brains. I'm happier staying well away from the CARM.org forums.
'that fascist website'
You don't know what 'fascist' means, do you? Because this website is most certainly not fascist and labelling it as such just proves how monumentally foolish and ignorant you are. Please, buy a dictionary and use it.
To summarise: you are an idiot.
I'm sure the good people of Trinidad and Tobago aren't too happy you're using their country's name to represent yourself either.
fsdt is a communist cesspoll of far left liberals
20 bucks says this guy has no fucking clue what communism is, what its politics are, or why no single person on this board is a communist.
@fundieand other satanic worshipping people who enjoy nothing more than hurting the otherwise good image of Religious people who wish nothing more than to speak the truth
Read the quote on this site. See the acres and acres of racist, bigoted, proudly ignorant, intellectually sterile and appalling quotes on this site, spoken by the very people who claim to be witnessing for your religion.
This site just archives those quotes and allows people to mock the authors, but fundamentally, the people quoted on this site destroy their own image with the things they say.
but submiting my ideas to that fascist website
Awesome, you used the labeled the site as communist and fascist at the same time, and you don't know what either of those words are. Whats more, you don't know what this site is all about, how critical it is of the government, how much it promotes equal rights for everyone.
"otherwise good image of Religious people"
Howler of the Month? Of course it's a good image when you dismiss all criticism!
As for being a cesspool of atheist satanic liberal fascist communists, your're wrong on almost all counts. Not all of us are atheists, some are agnostic and quite a few are theists (just not the fundie variety). None of us has, to my knowledge, expressed any interest in following satan, assuming he even exists. Some of us may be liberals, but since this is an international forum and the word has different meanings across the globe, this one's kind of hard to nail down. Since this website is a darn good example of free speech and non-censorship, we're about as far away from fascism as you can get. Communist? I've seen precious little waving of red flags here, although personally I suspect Marx was onto something or other.
Wow, so much crap in one short paragraph:
1 I'm a Libertarian not a communist.
2 Atheist don't worship satan.
3 Fundie morons hurt themselves with their stupid, hateful, comments, all we do is point them out.
4 Fascist website? Two sentences ago it was a communist website, make up your mind Sparky.
5 A fundie telling others to take off our "fantasy helmet" just caused my new irony meter to explode, I'll send you the bill.
Sorry, but we do not tarnish the image of Christians. We quote what you say, where you say and we don´t ad a single iota of what you say. The problem is that your "truth" sounds ridiculous to most well-minded people, and most Christians for that matter. If you are angry, be angry with the guys who say that crap, or thank God if they´re saying what they´re saying if you agree because it can proselitise. But be consequent, don´t blame us because you don´t look appealing to the rest of the world.
fsdt is a communist cesspoll of far left liberals and other satanic worshipping people who enjoy nothing more than hurting the otherwise good image of Religious people who wish nothing more than to speak the truth.
This one had me giggling like a schoolgirl ^^ Does he really think that fundies have a good name left for us to tarnish? (if they ever had one, that is)
Actually, I'm a centrist with a slight libertarian slant. (You can see where I fit on the IIDB political compass chart * where I'm placed slightly right-center libertarian. My left/right, like most people's, is a little variable. I often go equally to the left of the y-axis.) And the only communist I've ever known in person is a good friend of mine who is Christian. I don't think that's so surprising, given that the ethics and model for society of the two beliefs can be easily read to be nearly identical.
Taking a look at that chart might be a good idea. You can see communists on the top left and fascists on the top right. Other charts of the same sample, such as this one *, color the points according to religious belief. You can see that Christianity, to the almost complete exclusion of atheism, has members in the authoritarian top half of the chart. True that this isn't a large or random sample of Christians, but it is a good sample of non-believers. We aren't communists or fascists.
Anyway, because said friend is also rational and educated (as are many other Christians I know well), I know that FSTDT doesn't reflect the nature of all believers. But FSTDT was never supposed to, which why it's "fundies say" and not "believers say." And it has already been said, but I think the point deserves to be repeated: If you think your being quoted here smears Christianity, most likely the problem is with you. You are being a poor example.
Hell, to make a much simpler point: You called for Christification camps ! If anyone is a fascist, it'd be you.
*People's locations on these charts were calculated by http://www.politicalcompass.org .
Alright, here we go.
"fsdt is a communist"
No, I am not a communist, nor can I remember anyone on fstdt claiming to be a communist.
No, we are not a pool of sewage, though we do like to point out the shit in posts like yours.
"of far left liberals"
I don't know about most of the others here, but I'll proudly admit to being significantly left of center.
"and other satanic worshipping people"
I AM sure that none of us worships Satan. I don't worship your "God" because I know him to be imaginary,so too with Satan and Jesus.
"who enjoy nothing more than hurting the otherwise good image of Religious people who wish nothing more than to speak the truth."
We don't hurt the image of your religion, we point out when YOU hurt the image of your religion.
"You can address my points here,"
Thanks, I was waiting for your permission.
"but submiting my ideas to that fascist"
Now, now, don't us words for which you don't know the definitions. There is nothing Fascist about this website.
"website does nothing more than raise a white flag of "I surrender,"
We are not surrendering anything, we are pointing out the silliness of your religious beliefs and, often, your hypocracy and lack of compassion.
"because I refuse to address the content of what you said"."
Uh, we address the content of posts quite thoroughly here. Are you sure you're talking about fstdt?
"Please, take off your fantasy helmet for just a few moments and look over what I have said."
I left my fantasy helmet at church when I left. As an atheist, I do not require a fantasy to guide my life. Too bad about you, though.
Besides, this are some of the "truths" that they say. That rape is justified if God says so, that Snakes spoke before the flood, that Phelps is a liberal...........the list is long. And we laugh about one post, concretely. The author may reappear or not, but we don´t mock the overall belief. To hurt is not the same as quoting, be responsible of what you say.
1) I'm a socialist, but not a communist.
2) I don't believe in the existence of god, satan, santa, or any other mythical beings.
3) the religious people whose image we hurt are a bunch of intolerant asswipes who want to inflict their values on everyone, not people who "wish nothing more than to speak the truth".
4) this website isn't fascist. Not even close.
5) they can both address your points (if they feel it's worth it) AND submit your post here.
6) You're accusing someone else of wearing a "fantasy helmet"? Oh, sweet irony!
Let's see: not communist, not all far left (though there are some), only one Satanist, you don't have a good image to tarnish, you don't speak the truth, we aren't fascist. Half a dozen lies.
Don't want to be mocked? Then don't have such easily mockable beliefs.
I'm a practicing Lutheran Christian, and the reason I keep contributing articles like yours is because... ...well... ...people like dad, JohnR7, Trinidad & Tobago, ChristianCenturion and others like them often say really, REALLY stupid things!
The reason I so frequently quote from Christian Forums is that there is a huge collection of really DIM people there and there's no lack of material to find and submit!
Plus -- I've found atheists frequently are more interesting (and intelligent) company, and -- as a general rule, I like them!
Hurting the "good image" of religious people????? You seem to be doing that without this site's help at all. This site is only bringing it to everyone's attention. You know if Christians lived authentic christian lives led by Jesus sites like this would not need to exist. Unfortunately,,,,,,,
@Dante's Virgil
We have fantasy helmets? Why didn't I get one? ::pout:: I'm guessing you were busy queueing up for your shiny boots of hurting.
... hurting the otherwise good image of Religious people who wish nothing more than to speak the truth
The truth ? How are things like "The Baptist church is the one that Jesus began when He was here on earth", "Kent Hovind is a genius", "The fourth [amendment] is the right to bear arms.", "people who believe in evolution are atheists", "Jesus did not love homosexuals according to the christian bible", "the KJV is the original writen by gods chosen people", etc. the truth?
You get quoted on fstdt by your own stupidity and arrogance, Trin.
And yet... here it is.
I'm not a Communist. I'm a pretty material person. I use money for that material. I even like to hold it in my hand and just think about it. ...Maybe I do have a problem, though.
But look. We can all address what you said here. It's win/win. Or maybe you're just being a cry baby because you know that we'll pwn you and do it publically.
The difference between rational religious people and fundamentalists is that religious people are willing to tolerate different spiritual beliefs while fundamentalists believe they alone know THE TRUTH and violently cram it down the throat of anyone who disagrees with them.
Here at FStDT, we respect tolerant people of any religious persuasion even if we don't agree with them. We openly mock, criticize, and ridicule only those fundamentalists who want to impose their particular view of reality on the rest of us, brazenly lie and/or advocate violence in order to do so, and flaunt their ignorance as if it were a virtue.
I'm flattered, T&T, because your little rant proove my point - Xians are immature, self-righteous, ignorant (specially about the bible), uneducated and rude.
I hope you grow up one day...
They don´t surrender, it´s just your crap that speaks by itself. I repeat you idiot and moron, we don´t hurt or mock, because we don´t modify what you say in your forums, it´s just that they don´t speak the truth, they say nonsense that not even Christians agree with. If it doesn´t turn out to be what you expected, blame on them or modify your thesis, don´t blame us or the people for not agreeing.
Fantasy helmet? Isn't this the same guy who said Foley was a Democrat, Hastert kicked him out of Congress, the Democrats were in a big conspiracy to hold back the evidence until the election, atheists are a sect of Muslims and advocating Christification Camps? He's the new JohnR7!
I'm a Christian
I'm not religious
Is it possible to contradict oneself in less time than that?
It's going to happen soon, people.
Jesus said he'd be back before the original disciples were all dead. It's been 2000 years.
Face it. You've been stood up.
Crosis #102474
I'm a Christian
I'm not religious
Is it possible to contradict oneself in less time than that?
Crosis, it's even funnier than the hairpin-turn contradiction alone would indicate; her username, Andromeda, is that of a figure in ancient Greek mythology. She's contradicting herself in 3 dimensions!
~David D.G.
FSTDT is not communist. I think communism is a nice idea in theory, but unworkable on any scale larger than a family or tribal group. I'm certainly far left of the center, but "far left liberal" is somewhat relative. It's also not a bad thing. I'm an atheist, which means I don't worship Satan; I don't believe he exists. I make no effort to tarnish your image; you've tarnished it quite enough on your own. Any additional tarnishing I could do would be superfluous. You certainly do not speak the truth. We do address your points, and it doesn't matter whether we do it on FSTDT or CARM. In fact, CARM would probably ban us if we addressed your posts there. FSTDT is not fascist; in fact, you just said it was communist, and the two are mutually exclusive. You clearly don't know what either word means. Addressing your posts here not there doesn't mean we surrender; what we say matters, not where we say it. You are the last person who can accuse others of wearing fantasy helmets. Thank you.
Distind: Damn! I liked being a satanic vulture. Of course, Gonzo67 promoted us to cupcakes, and I guess communists would constitute another promotion. They like us! They really like us!
Crosis and David: Maybe I'm missing something, but I see no indication that Andromeda is a fundie. It's certainly not a contradiction to be a Christian and not religious; generally "not religious" means not putting a lot of devotion into religion. A person who considers him/herself Christian, celebrates Christmas, Easter, and the other modified pagan holidays, and who goes to church every now and then but who doesn't go to church regularly and doesn't think much about God or what Christianity commands would be a Christian, but not religious. Before I considered myself an atheist outright, I called myself a Jew, but not a religious one.
I don't know about you, but I can't see any indication that the third line refers to the rapture/return of Jesus.
"the otherwise good image of Religious people who wish nothing more than to speak the truth"...
Different truths, different types of hell.
I'd rather be far left liberal (but not satanic worshiping) who enjoys huring the image of your type of truth ... than I would to believe in your type of truth.
Fantasy helmet??.. Who has the helmet on? T&T, you really need to get out more often and read something other than the bible, then again, the thought of reality might scare you.
OH and you might want to check you dictionary for definitions before you use them big words...
Uh, I could be wrong, or I could be late (and I'll be fine with either), but isn't a "communist cesspoll of far left liberals" kinda contradictory?
You call us a lot of things, but you didn't say ANNYTHING!
dumbass, maby you should check your head a bit before you say annything... EVER!
And Glitterboy, I salute you, and give you a new (+5) fantasyhelmet, because thats the kind and loving person I am
That didn't make sense, u started calling it left wing and communist, and then mentioned fascist, when that is right wing.
WTF I'm a Nazicommunist!
Sounds cool.
You're the one with the fantasy helmet on, buddy.
Even if a communist or satanist DID show up around here, I'm sure they would find most of these quotes as ignorant and bizarre as we do. Hell, even hitler would back off from some of the shit I've seen here.
We don't alter your word, we just put up what you post. Your image is about as good as my grandmother's at this point, so please don't try to make yourself look good. What you put up is for you to word and for us to interpret.
Best way to get your typing on this site ever!
or, you could just leave a comment, like normal people.
...who enjoy nothing more than hurting the otherwise good image of Religious people...
People like you are hurting the image of good religious people.
Please, take off your fantasy helmet for just a few moments
You first.
But, but, I like my fantasy helmet, it helps me pretend people as stupid as you are just a lie told to scare people from non-USA countries!
The only fantasy helmet round here is the cursed helm of stupidity worn by your typical fundie.
By the way, congratulations on demonstrating that you haven't a fucking clue what fascism was. Then again, that's a battle that sensible people lost long ago - George Orwell lamented the abuse of the word "fascism" as early as the 1950s.
Um, I'm socialist... Thats not communist. Get your facts straight. Also, while I am a socialist, I live in a democratic society that I have no wish to change. This society has something called Freedom of Speech. You have used it, and so shall I... like right now.
Thanks for not helping, moron.
I would've just complained that the people here just complain about a person's idiotic beliefs, rather than looking for logic errors in your arguments.
I won't point out your belief and any flaws present, but I will point out that:
1. generalizations make you look stupid.
2. "speak the truth". Never state your opinion as fact.
3. You have a point about the white flag bit...if that's all they did, but really they were just providing ypour comment to a wider audience.
4. I 'took of my fantasy helmet' and looked at what you wrote, and I can say that you are really going at this the wrong way. Try understand the others views before you complain.
I honestly would rather worship Satan then your god. Also, if your arguments are invulnerable, why can we completly destroy every one?
Answer me that you fundie fuckwit.
So we are simultaneously communists, liberals, and fascists.
That would be some cool party trick if it were possible, but I think you are just pulling names out of your backside and wouldn't know a fascist from a frog.
It's rahter rich of you to talk about fantasy helmets, dearie. We're not the ones worshipping imaginary blood gods.
The only thing we do to hurt the image of religious people, is to show people your words and actions.
Fascist = far right
Communist = far left
Liberal = somewhere to the right of the middle
@ Axver: Amen, brother/sister! You tell those judgemental idiots. For bonus points, refer them to Matthew 7:1-2...;). You and I are of a similar mind. I'm also a Christian who's not a Fundie. You are actually a better Christian than them, because Christian means "Christ-like". Look at what Jesus taught: love, peace, tolerance, respect for your fellow human being, generosity, helpfulness, charity, etc. Fundies (for the most part) have distorted Christianity into a hideous and unrecognizable caricature of what it really is! That said, God bless you and everyone else on here!
@ Darwin: You're on >:)! *I jump in* Come on in, it's not that bad in here...
I was a communist when I was younger and more of an idealist. As I matured I realized that most people are way to egoistic to make communism work. We tend to think that we need more than we really do, and that we can give a little less than we really can.
Liberalism, as a political viewpoint, is somewhere to the right of the middle. Fascism is way, way, way far to the right.
The Bible makes Satan look like the nicer guy, actually, definitely nicer than the OT God.
Many of us here are, or were, "Religious people", stupid, and we are very fond of speaking the truth.
communist cesspoll ? er, no
cesspool , its all in your point of view.
I have never seen a set of Islands post before.
I can't take off my fantasy helmet, its better than tinfoil and makes me look like THOR !
sorry, I am confused , is this site a communist cesspoll or a facist website ? I do not see how it can be both.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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