rickster67 #fundie reddit.com

I must preface this by admitting that I cannot claim to be a pure minded Neoreactionary. I don't know what I am exactly, but I know that Libertarianism and Neoreactionary ideas make more sense to me than anything else, that said...

The government structure I would prefer is a representative republic, with strict controls on who holds voting power and eligibility for office. I think the simplest, fairest, most transparent requirement for voting rights would be one of either:

a) current employment in the private sector
b) ownership of property which clearly generates employment in the private sector

Of course, this requires clear definitions of what constitutes "private sector" employment. In the U.S., the line between companies who live in the free market and those rent-seeking through legislation are blurred. The core idea is to preserve political and leadership power for those living in the marketplace, those adding to the wealth, and those carrying the burden of responsibility for the rest.

This state solution is surely not perfect, but it did accomplish a couple key things: it takes all voting power from the welfare dependent degenerates and government employees who are dependable at voting themselves raises and reckless authority. Admittedly, it also strips power from the people who were once responsible market participants but suffered injuries which placed them on disability or the retired private sector workers, but sacrifices must be made.

This system also served to remove a staggering number of female voters, while not discriminating against women specifically, but just those in rent-seeking jobs and life roles.

On a shallow level, this government would revert strongly back to being controlled by healthy, while, males. But, eliminating people based on just gender, race, and disability is unnecessary and I'd say even immoral. What IS NOT immoral is taking power from the irresponsible, degenerate, children who suck resources without adding anything.



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