Candidates will have 30 minutes and should attempt to answer all questions.
Secular Humanism is the worship of which deity?
A) Charles Darwin
B) Allah
C) Al Gore
D) Mother Nature's glorious life-giving vagina
According to Secular Humanist teachings, what should be the aim of all it's followers?
A) International communism
B) The extermination of all children under five who do not show homosexual leanings
C) Placing all Christians into concentration camps, torture them horrendously, then gas them to death.
D) All of the above.
From a Secular Humanist perspective, what is the best way to deal with the following senario: A library full of trapped people is on fire on one side of the street, while a close relative slips into a diabetic coma on the other.
A) Ignore relative- save people.
B) Ignore people- save relative.
C) Use dying relative to barricade library door and prevent firemen getting in to save the people. Laugh.
D) Rush into library and begin gleefully flinging people into the flames. Feed the blaze with copies of the Bible, while using dying realtive as fire blanket to save the books on evolution.
What is the Secular Humanist stance on abortion?
A) "It should not be allowed."
B) "People have a right to choose."
C) "Dead babies are so funny!"
D) "We must ensure a hearty supply of innocent souls for our dark lord Beelzebub, that he may rise from his firey kingdom and lay waste to the puny Christian masses."
What is the best way to prevent Christians from uncovering the truth of the evil international Secular Humanist conspirisy?
A) Scupper their ability to teach their own children the truth by passing anti-Christian laws against homeschooling.
B) Crush faith by brainwashing Christian children with the fabricated theory of evolution.
C) Assassination.
D) Discredit their efforts by creating a website where Christians who get too close to the truth will have their words mocked by paid members of the conspirisy, thus making our enemies appear delusional and ridiculous.