Navaros #fundie

"You cannot honestly think that a chef accidentally stabbing his finger on a snake's tooth involved planning on the part of the snake."

What you said is not what happened. What really happened was this:

The severed snake head spent 20 minutes pretending to be dead, then woke up and bit the chef to death at the exact moment when it noticed that it had the chance. The serpent, using only its long ago severed head, performed the ultimate in cunning ambush. It's like a scene from a horror movie except it happened in real-life, because the chef underestimated the cunning of the serpent.

I feel bad for the chef dying, but maybe if he paid more attention to the Bible he would have realized that screwing around with serpents is a bad idea, and underestimating their powers of evil and cunning are especially bad ideas, hence he would not be dead now.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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