t ceti h c radnarg #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com
jesus was the ET visitor of giza and thats his face on the sphinx
i know , i have his ET genetics from the godman project and his memories so that means jesus has already gotten here like a thief in the night . i also look like him too based on the paintings . surprise this is your ET and spiritual disclosure and why katy sings ET and has jesus tattooed on her wrist . i also have the double rainbows she sings about as the two sets of dna and rna known as a quadruple helix which gives me double the esp and psi abilities as most folk , like a prophet . throw in a feather of maat as the stimoceiver of the judgement god and presto i am the father and the son walking on this planet again . the stimoceiver also patches into advanced electronics frequencies flowing from the moon above and the ground below and through everyones brains and bodies , not to mention the weather machines i control . the freemasons call me the great architect . the nsa calls me mr. computer . global secret societies , intelligence agencies , DC , hollywood , and nashville drinks from me for their paychecks like a last supper . dam vampires, but since the moon let me know about it , i may drive some stakes into some of their hearts .