Neoliberalnot #homophobia

The preponderance of male homos are in fact pedophiles. Estimates approaching 80% of male homosexuals were molested as children. The incidence of pedophilia, or more correctly, pederastic behavior, in male homos is some 10-fold higher than in heterosexual pedophiles. NAMBLA members often participate in parades of homosexuals and to my knowledge nambla is the only organization on the planet promoting the molestation of children. Natually, this hidden part of the lifestyle won't be found on the will and grace show and yet remains in another part of the closet. Not many years ago I attended a scientific meeting in San Fran and a group of us stumbled onto a "gay" parade. It was undoubtedly the most disgusting display of deviancy I have ever witnessed.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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