The preponderance of male homos are in fact pedophiles. Estimates approaching 80% of male homosexuals were molested as children. The incidence of pedophilia, or more correctly, pederastic behavior, in male homos is some 10-fold higher than in heterosexual pedophiles. NAMBLA members often participate in parades of homosexuals and to my knowledge nambla is the only organization on the planet promoting the molestation of children. Natually, this hidden part of the lifestyle won't be found on the will and grace show and yet remains in another part of the closet. Not many years ago I attended a scientific meeting in San Fran and a group of us stumbled onto a "gay" parade. It was undoubtedly the most disgusting display of deviancy I have ever witnessed.
Note this:
Not many years ago I attended a scientific meeting in San Fran and a group of us stumbled onto a "gay" parade.
So, he's trying to give himself fundie street cred by showing that he's a scientist.
"Back off, man -- I'm a scientist!"
Why do I suspect that the "scientifc meeting" was a bunch of rowdies checking the alcohol content of various bars in the gay district? How does one "stumble across" a gay parade? Ours is in the paper and radio reports for days, and takes place, you guessed it, in the gay district.
The preponderance of male homos are in fact pedophiles. Debunked.
Estimates approaching 80% of male homosexuals were molested as children. It's funny how every gay man I know is in the remaining 20%.
The incidence of pedophilia, or more correctly, pederastic behavior, Make up your mind.
in male homos is some 10-fold higher than in heterosexual pedophiles. Debunked.
NAMBLA members often participate in parades of homosexuals ...and the other groups make a point of shunning them.
and to my knowledge nambla is the only organization on the planet promoting the molestation of children. Since kiddy fiddling is of such obvious fascination to you, how have you missed the news articles about man-girl-love groups? Let me guess: They were in the lie-beral MSM, so you ignored them.
Natually, this hidden part of the lifestyle won't be found on the will and grace show and yet remains in another part of the closet. I can think of a few other reasons why the writers of sitcoms don't share your fascination with kiddy-fiddling.
Not many years ago I attended a scientific meeting in San Fran and a group of us stumbled onto a "gay" parade. Ours is pretty difficult to get to, between the road closings and the overcrowded Metro. How do you just stumble onto one?
It was undoubtedly the most disgusting display of deviancy I have ever witnessed. I could tell you stories about what I saw at Republican conventions.
Estimates approaching 80% of male homosexuals were molested as children.
Given the sadly lacking grammar in this sentence (Just how is an estimate molested as a child anyway? Estimates do not have childhoods, nor can they be molested in any literal sense.), I can almost forgive your logic here. I'm certain your tenuous grip on grammar extends to a lack of understanding of the difference between subject and object.
So I'll spell it out in little words:-
The one doing the molesting of children is a pedophile.
The one being molested is NOT a pedophile.
Get it?
Wow, stumbled onto a gay parade, yeah right, so that's what you told the folks back home.(wink,wink,nudge,nudge)
The preponderance of male homos are in fact pedophiles.
Not according to the APA (either one).
Estimates approaching 80% of male homosexuals were molested as children.
No scientific study supports that claim.
The incidence of pedophilia, or more correctly, pederastic behavior, in male homos is some 10-fold higher than in heterosexual pedophiles.
Cite, please...
I didn't think so...
NAMBLA members often participate in parades of homosexuals
Not at any of the pride parades I've seen.
to my knowledge nambla is the only organization on the planet promoting the molestation of children.
Fresh Petals, anyone?
How do you "stumble onto" a huge parade? "Well, we didn't know why a bunch of streets were blocked off and why everyone was cheering and there was music, and then out of nowhere , BOOM, parade."
NAMBLA is almost inactive since the mid nineties, and according to the data provided by FBI and other sources, pedophiles are, in 98% of cases, males, straight and married. Moreover, the remaining two is shared by females and homosexuals, be it male or female ones, alike.So, tell me, where did you get this absurd statistics?
Frree Republic members pulling bullshit out of their arse? Say it isn't so! My whole world - it's crumbling!
Seriously though, if NAMBLA is an accurate representation of gay men, then the KKK is an accurate representation of white Christians.
The one pedophile I've had the misfortune of encountering was gay, but that wasn't why he molested children. He did it because he was clinically insane.
Correlation ? causation, bitch.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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