Bill P #fundie

But this isn’t the issue. I’ve been writing about left creationism for years, and arguing that Christian creationism is less damaging because despite its non-scientific origins at least it’s largely based on fundamental truths that have been vindicated by science.

For example, is it better to teach one’s children that sodomy is prohibited by God, or that it’s natural and good stuff “because gay penguins”?

I’m not a Creationist, but if I had to choose between left theology and Christian theology for my kids, I’d go for the latter every time. I’m pretty sure most people feel the same way, which is why so many non-believers still haul their kids into church every Sunday.

Even so, it’s a losing battle. Christianity was as “true” as anything in its time, but it’s been superseded by its bastard progressive faith. We really need a new religion very badly.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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