David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
Literally, our next U.S. President has already be selected behind closed doors in a secret society, and now the newsmedia will shape American opinion to justify their choice. That's how the system works! Americans don't decide anything, but the illusion of freedom of choice must be maintained. Think about it. What are the choices we're being given? — a lesbian criminal (Hillary), a drug-trafficking criminal (Jeb Bush), and a Christian man (Rand Paul). Who do you think Americans will vote for? I can tell you that our Hollywood-loving degenerate society won't vote for a Christian man. And we haven't had a Democrat follow another 2-term Democrat since 1836. So that leaves the Lucifer-worshipping, Bohemian Grove member, Jeb Bush. Also, Jeb Bush is going to play the Hispanic race card, big time, since he is married to a Hispanic woman. I have no doubt that Jeb Bush is headed for The White House, who has already said that he will expand Homeland Security in America. Literally, Jeb Bush will build the Police State!!! You watch and see!
Albeit, the Illuminati have come too far in achieving their New World Order, unwilling to leave anything to chance, so if anything happens to Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton WILL BE OUR NEXT U.S. PRESIDENT! Either way, they win! Either way, you've got a New World Order criminal in The White House. The Globalists have arranged the chess game so that they cannot lose. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!