"Noah lived in the area that is now New Jersey"
For, verily, does it say in Genesis:6
And Noah went unto his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, and said, "Gedoff ya lazy asses, ya bums! God wansus to build him an oik!"
"Waddafuks an oik?" said Shem, and Noah did mightily smite him behind the ear for his profanity.
"An oik is like a big boat. An I don't mean big as in big, I'm talking big as in b-i-i-g, capiche?"
"Waddas God wan with a goddamn boat?" said Ham.
"He's gonna flood the woild and kill everyone 'cept us and two of every animal which we're gonna take on the oik with us!"
"Two of every animal?" asked Japheth.
"Waddami speaking to quiet for yous all of a sudden?" Noah did confirm.
"That's gonna be one fucking big oik!" said Japheth with a whistle.
So Shem, Ham and Japheth looked at one another and then towards Noah. And, as one, they did laugh and reply "Gedoutahere!"