Watch out for the Rapture of the Saints on CHRISTMAS DAY!!!

The Rapture occurring on Christmas Day has always been a strong possibility for a few Years now.

Since the Rapture hasn't happened yet it's important, more than ever, that we continue to watch and pray throughout this Christmas Season!

On Christmas Day this Year there just happens to be a Full Moon! The last time there was a full moon on Christmas Day was 38 Years ago in 1977!!!

Now check out the following dream:

I was at my home town and I saw up in the sky an object that looks like another moon closing in on our moon. It seemed as if they were going to collide. I was the first one to see this. Then I showed others. The Holy Spirit then reminded me that when I begin to see that object (the other moon) getting near to our moon it will be the next day when fire will fall from the sky and towns will be destroyed. It was a sign of the end of the world and Jesus return.

I was panicked because of how sudden it came about
I then began telling everyone including my neighbor, my mum and brother that the end will be tomorrow.

Then I frantically asked someone "WHAT DATE IS TOMORROW?"

Then someone said to me "TOMORROW IS CHRISTMAS DAY".

Then I saw my mum was making Christmas preparations, getting ready food and sorrel wine. I even saw her stirring the
sorrel in a huge pot like she usually does on Christmas eve!

I then asked her to skip Christmas celebration this year
because the Lord is coming she then seemed doubtful of the fact. When I tried to tell one of my neighbors I was speaking with all my effort but she could not hear me for some reason.

I later saw one of my school mates, then I called her and told her that THE END IS HERE and she did not believe at first. But when I showed her the moon about to be struck by the "other moon" and started quoting scripture to her
she believed and gave herself to Christ right there and then
because the scriptures were being fulfilled in front of her eyes, then we started thinking of how wonderful heaven must be.

I also was telling one of my close friends that he should trust in the Lord for everything because I know that I would soon be gone, but he did not believe me. I was also trying to call one of my friends to tell her that the end was tomorrow, but i could not remember all her cell number

Scriptural confirmations:

Joel 2:30
Luke 21:11
Luke 21:25
Rev 8:12
Amos 8:9



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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