[Is this one really fair to attribute only to liberals? At my college, which is predominantly conservative, the College Republicans were extremely rude to Cindy Sheehan when she came to speak, and in a way that was grossly underhanded and spiteful.]
How can you be so sure these were Republicans, and not Liberals out to make Conservatives look bad by underhand means?
Of course, when a christian or republican does anything that might be seen as immoral or unethical, it's not really christians and republicans, but liberals and atheists in disguise.
"How can you be so sure these were Republicans, and not Liberals out to make Conservatives look bad by underhand means?"
Because the only person that twisted is you.
Good Conservative = Proof that conservatives are good.
Bad Conservative = Eeeevil Liberal out to make conservatives look bad.
And no true Scotsman puts sugar in his porridge.
God fucking damn it, guys, you can have political fundamentalists, it's not just a religious thing. Cut this "lol not fundy" bullshit out. It's starting to get just a little bit annoying.
Right. The entire club has been taken over by people with grand schemes and political satire talents on the level of Stephen Colbert.
For one thing, a real Republican would have tried to join sooner or later and figured it out. For another...if you think college students can have anything vaguely resembling an underhand conspiracy of this type, you grossly overestimate college students.
@ Snarky
Because it's a characteristic of right-wingers to find that the truth can sometimes be uncomfortable. Indeed, they fear the truth. Since most fundamentalists are right-wingers, this fear of the truth is a fundamentalist trait as well.
So, when you see an obvious inability to face up to reality or to take responsibility for ones own failings or not being able to admit to the truth, then you're looking at class 'A' fundamentalism.
The above case is only reinforced by the wild attempt to move the blame elsewhere.
While this could be a POE, I have seen so many people I knew were conservatives say this exact same thing.
So much for personal responsibility.
@ agentCDE
Every post is going to have at least one person calling Poe and one saying it's not fundie. Just sigh and carry on.
As for the OP, I've seen both sides being rude to the other. As a person who has very moderate views on life, I'm really not accepted in either corner. As Margaret Thatcher once said, "those who stand in the middle of the road, tend to get run down by both sides."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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