theyknowwhoyouare #conspiracy

[Re. the Planned Parenthood massacre]

The writing is on the wall, do you see it? Negative connotation is a strong tool in the war against dissent. They want your friends and family to stop trusting you. To be afraid of you. They want the general population to fear you.

I was curious about this article in many ways, the first time I read it they said he "avoided eye contact and had a cabin in the woods." Now that statement has changed to "he stashed food in the woods, avoided eye contact and warned neighbors about government spying.".

Obviously if you are concerned about government spying you are hiding something, right?

Why are we not talking about the other motivations involved? Why not talk about his religion? His political affiliations? etc?

Big brother is winning the war on our/general populations minds. We will soon be considered the next ISIS and re-educated. If you see something say something right?

I also find it funny that statements like these are spread out through incidents over time until it is something everyone starts to believe. They start amping the narrative up after the general population normalizes these behaviors with mass shootings. After the GP believes that we are all ticking time bombs we will be forced into mental health/evaluation programs. Those that cant be rehabilitated will be "fixed" or put on a registry. It will be sad to give up freedoms, but think of the children!

Our days are coming very soon, Big Brother is coming for us. They are going to use those we are trying to warn and protect against us. If you speak out against government you will be subjugated.

The war on information is being won.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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