The problem with this is that it isn't conservatives who claim to push and demand tolerism of all. That's the platform of the left.
And every time they display their intolerance for conservatives whether it be blatant hate messages, wanting to stifle us or their bias & outright lies to smear and slander wrongfully, they are showing their hypocrisy
God isn't tolerant and Christianity is an exclusive religion; not inclusive of ALL people who supposedly end up in the good graces of God.. as if He's SO loving that He winks at mankind in his chosen depravity.
And every time they display their intolerance for conservatives whether it be blatant hate messages, wanting to stifle us or their bias & outright lies to smear and slander wrongfully, they are showing their hypocrisy
OK, we're hypocrites for not tolerating your intolerance.
But you're a hypocrite for not tolerating our intolerance of your intolerance. Want to continue the stupid line of reasoning you started?
"God isn't tolerant and Christianity is an exclusive religion "
Gosh, you think that might be why the "liberals" are trying to "stifle" your lovely "message"?
Well, at least he's honest. But that means that we really don't want your pathetic excuse of a religion bearing down on all people, and we don't want to be a part of it. So STFU and go to hell, you brain-dead twit.
If you want to talk low taxes, less government, and a sound military defense, we can talk. But if you use conservatism as a megaphone for your petty little bigotries, I invite you to suck it.
"The problem with this is that it isn't conservatives who claim to push and demand tolerism of all. That's the platform of the left."
Yes, really. How dare we espouse "tolerism?"
Claiming to know the mind of God is purportedly one of the biggest sins around, but you fundies do so with impunity. How do you justify that?
Tolerism? Making up word again, are we?
The most vicious hate-mongers in existence are the fundy members of the political right. If it weren't for lies and smears they'd have nothing to say. Oh, and we're well aware that your God is intolerant, and has a decided preference for sub-marginals.
"And every time they display their intolerance for conservatives whether it be blatant hate messages, wanting to stifle us or their bias & outright lies to smear and slander wrongfully, they are showing their hypocrisy "
That's a shiny mirror you have there.
You know what it is, don't you? This is the only exclusive club that'll let her in, and she likes feeling all special much too much to give it up. Nice of her to be so honest, even if it was by accident.
Honestly, as much as I find Nadiine to be a sorry shit stain, I have to give her kudos for being honest about Christianity. It is an exclusive little club where only certain races are permitted to attend one church and at another church you cannot attend if you are divorced and remarried. It is not an inclusive, loving, tolerant, embracing religion. It is a divisive, mean-spirited, domineering religion that gives people an air of permissiveness in regard to their bigoted proclivities.
PROTIP 1: Jesus hung out with a murderer and a hooker. You are not to put yourself ABOVE the sinners, but AMONG them.
PROTIP 2: Putting an "-ISM" on things does not a religion make.
I don't have any problem with refusing to, um, tolerize hateful attitudes. And yet, unlike fundies with Teh Gay and non-Christians,I'm not attempting to legislate right-wing Christians into second-class citizenship. I don't think their right to free speech is any less than mine and I'll never think that. But my own right to free speech gives me the right, nay, duty, to invite you to eat a bag of dicks when you express it.
In that case, why bothering being a Christian?. Honestly, if tolerance means to agree with you in every single thing, you´ll realise that it´s a waste of time.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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