I was hot from the weather today and went into a large merchandise store to look around while enjoying their air-conditioning. I'm one of few men that actually enjoys walking around the store, without having anything in particular on my mind to buy. I guess women want to buy everything. I just like to look around. But I always buy something if it's a local business, because I like to support locally. I hate monopoly stores like Wal-Mart and K-Mart that are literally Communist Chinese outlets in America.
As I walked around I was saddened. The horrible music playing over the store radio was repeating, “Do me, do me, do me, girls just want to have fun.” Then I passed through the clothing section by a table of Daisy-Duke shorts for sale. They weren't my size. It's sad that women are dressing like sluts everywhere people go nowadays. Today women wear their dresses up, and men their pants down. Then I passed by some shirts with a picture of little boy and a Dachshund dog on the front, with the big words “Play With My Weiner!” It's disgusting that people's minds are in the garbage pail these days. Sexually-suggestive messages are funny to people. The Late Night Shows make fun of Jesus, portraying the Lord as a homosexual voyeur and boasting of fornication and going to Hell.
Then I saw some shirts with a big cross on the front. The cross upon which Jesus died is sacred and shouldn't be worn as earrings and clothing. The cross of Christ has been reduced to a common object like a wrist-watch or a bicycle rack. The next song on the radio sounded like Katy Perry singing, “Baby, baby, let's get on it!” (not “let's get it on” by Marvin Gaye; but “let's get on it”) That was the lyrics! You can't even take a walk through a store these days because of the wickedness of the world. I just wanted to leave. Everything is sexually-suggestive, filthy and dirty-minded today. People have the manners of pigs, leaving their garbage for someone else to pick-up, talking disgusting and using toilet-humor. The world is not going to improve with the exponential growth of mass-communications, the internet and technological advances. The entire system is preparing for the Beast (the coming Antichrist)!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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